
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
What is your thought? If an employee is super quick to always say "I wasn't Me" and proceed to tell you another employee who isn't around is to blame, Do you think He's guilty?

I do. If you're first reaction is to blame someone else, that spells guilty coward to me. IDK, What do you think?
honestly depends
He could just be a pussy lol but seriously. I think i would need some hard evidence before i can the guy
Can't say if he is guilty or not, but no team can operate smoothly if there is always finger pointing going on, especially when the third party isn't there to defend himself, I would recommend sitting down with both of them and just see wtf is going on
Thesuperwallaby said:
Can't say if he is guilty or not, but no team can operate smoothly if there is always finger pointing going on, especially when the third party isn't there to defend himself, I would recommend sitting down with both of them and just see wtf is going on

I'm always suspect of people who talk badly of others continually or constantly blame others when they are not there to defend themselves.
You know what I'm thinking, if they're talking about someone else when they're not around they must talk about me when I'm not around.

I've been on the receiving end of the blame and wasn't guilty.

But there is always the possibility that the person is telling the truth, so the other person could be guilty.

Superwallaby is spot-on!!!
Meet with them together, if possible.
And watch them both in the future, as for me I don't trust those WHO SPEAK BADLY OF OTHERS CONTINUALLY
Bump Wallaby! Only way to know is to confront both. Then read between the lines!
If it wasn't you, how else should you express it besides backing it up with some evidence? :-X I cud learn from this cus theres always people messing up labeling and charting stuff wrong in my line of work.
This is just a recurring theme with this kid. One time I told him "Well you must not be doing any work if you haven't messed anything up" = blank stare. I'm not mad about anything in particular. This morning someone had locked up a trailer and not put the key back in its spot. When we went to unlock it, no key. First thing outta his mouth was it wasn't me. So and so locked it up last. Turns out the guy that locked it stuck the key in his car and took it home over the weekend.

Or ill ask if a countertop is finished, "I don't know boss, that's so and so's" which it may be, but it always sounds like its from a guilty conscience. I disnt ask whis working on it, i asked if it was finished. then I catch him doing something else and know the countertop is his and its all "I was just about to finish that"

it's just another rant I guess. Lol.
Give me a break I'm coming off gear for a cruise. LOL
Sounds like 70% of my crew! I just mf them up and down till they get all weapy and get shit done.. I'm not at work to make friends.. I don't put up with much at work either.. ill blow up on my boss and the owner before I put up with kid stuff.. I have too a few times this year already.. so I get to work with my buddy and stay away from everybody else.. works for me 🙂
Im glad I dont have to put up with the whole it wasnt me shit....
I fired my helper of 7 years last week before last cause he was turning in to a negative whiny bitch lol....
No time for that shit.Anyway if thier quick tosay it wasnt me he either did it or hes a bitch ass snitch lol... either way he sucks

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