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Sup fellas. Just a quick question. I was going to do a little halo run over the next three weeks. Plan on running 30mg Ed. 15mg split once morning once evening. What are your thoughts on the dosage and scheduling? Also can anyone tell me how much time is needed for it to kick in so I can use it a a pre workout in the morning?

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Just about all oral compounds are going to metabolize each individual differently. If you want a window, then I'd say anywhere from 35-90min. There is no way to say how definitively how much time "compound X" will affect a person. Only trial and error and reproducing variables will give you information. Things like stomach content, heart rate, and even muscular make up will affect metabolizing times.

I'd take one 45 min before workout and take notice of the sides. If you feel the Halo kicking in during the middle of your workout, then take it a little earlier the next day. Gonna be trial and error until you get it just right. That's really how this whole AA's/AS thing works. Good luck
10mg use to be enough back in the day (80s and 90s) to get one hell of a workout and feel like a king. As of the 2000's I've had to use 30mg to really feel like a god in the gym. I'd start an hour before workout, but like TS said it varies by individual. Please share how it affects you, might have to pick some up
30 mgs split into three 8 hour doses. 10 when you awake, 10 30-45 mins before workout and 10 before bed. You may need to run longer than 3 weeks for max benefits (at least with me). Take each dose with one glass of pink grapefruit juice. No shit...it hits harder and quiker with max absorption and delivery.

Also...don't discount taking 5 or 10 mgs before sex. It makes you rage fuck. Chicks dig that.

Saving money right now for next cycle.
I don't see a 3 week run @ 30 mg producing any results...from my experience.
MattyIce said:
I don't see a 3 week run @ 30 mg producing any results...from my experience.
MattyIceaccording to my coach it will make you hard as granite...assuming you can see your muscles to begin with
Halotestin® is the Upjohn brand name for the steroid fluoxymesterone. Structurally fluoxymesterone is a derivative of testosterone, differing from our base androgen by three structural alterations (specifically l7alpha-methyl, 11 beta-hydroxy and 9-fluoro group additions). The result is a potent oral steroid that exhibits extremely strong androgenic properties. This has a lot to due with the fact that it is derived from testosterone, and as such shares important similarities to this hormone. Most importantly, like testosterone Halotestin® appears to be a good substrate for the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. This is evidenced by the fact that a large number of its metabolites are found to be 5-alpha reduced androgens'8, which coupled with its outward androgenic nature, suggests it is converting to a much more active steroid in androgen responsive target tissues such as the skin, scalp and prostate. The 11 beta-hydroxyl group also inhibits aromatization, making estrogen production impossible with this steroid. Estrogenic side effects such as water retention, fat fain and gynecomastia are similarly not a concern when taking this substance. Strong androgenic side effects are to be expected though, and in many cases are unavoidable. Oily skin and acne a very common for instance, at times requiring sensitive individuals to seek some form of topical or even prescription drug treatment to keep it under control. Hair loss is an additional worry, making Halotestin® a poor choice for those with an existing condition. Aggression may also become very pronounced with this drug. This effect is often desired by users looking to "harness" this in order to increase the intensity of workouts or a competition. Clearly Halotestin® is a strong androgen, and definitely one female athletes should stay away from. Masculinizing side effects can be intense, and may occur very rapidly with this substance. Even women daring enough to take Dianabol should think twice about this compound, as virilization symptoms are most often permanent. Although Halotestin® appears to be more androgenic than testosterone, the anabolic effect of it is not very strong. This makes it a great strength drug, but not the best for gaining serious muscle mass. The predominant effect seen when taking Halotestin® is a harder, more dense look to the muscles without a notable size increase. It is therefore very useful for athletes in weight-restricted sports like wrestling, powerlifting and boxing. The strength gained from each cycle will not be accompanied by a great weight increase, allowing most competitors to stay within a specified weight range. Halotestin® also makes an excellent drug for bodybuilding contest preparation. When the competitor has an acceptably low body fat percentage, the strong androgen level (in absence of excess estrogen) can elicit an extremely hard and defined ("ripped") look to the muscles. The shift in androgen/estrogen ratio additionally seems to bring about a state in which the body may be more inclined to burn off excess fat and prevent new fat storage. The "hardening" effect of Halotestin® would therefore be somewhat similar to that seen with trenbolone, although it will be without the same level of mass gain. Clearly non-aromatizing androgens such as Halotestin® and trenbolone can play an important role during contest preparations. The main concern with this steroid is that it can be a very toxic drug. This is due to the fact that fluoxymesterone is a 17 alpha alkylated compound, its structure altered to survive oral administration. As we discuss throughout this book, l7alpha alkylation can be very harsh to the liver. The possibility of damage is therefore a legitimate concern with Halotestin®, especially when used at higher doses or for prolonged periods of time. The total daily dosage is likewise best kept in the range of 20-40mg, used for no longer than 8 weeks. After which an equally long break (at a minimum) should be taken from all c17-AA orals. One should also resist the temptation to stack this drug with other alkylated orals if possible, and instead opt for orals without this alteration or esterified injectable compounds (which will not add to the strain on the liver). In cutting phases a mild anabolic such as Deca-Durabolin® or Equipoise® might be a good addition, as both provide good anabolic effect without excessive estrogen buildup. Here Halotestin® will provide a well needed androgenic component, helping to promote a more solid and defined gain in muscle mass than obtained with an anabolic alone. Perhaps Primobolan® Depot would even be a better choice, as with such a combination there is no buildup of estrogen (and likewise even less worry of water and fat retention). For mass we could alternately use an injectable testosterone. A mix of 400-800mg Testosterone enanthate and 20-30mg Halotestin® for example, should prove to be an exceptional stack for strength and muscle gain. This however would be accompanied by a more significant level of side effects, both compounds exhibiting strong androgenic activity in the body. Fluoxymesterone also seem to depress endogenous testosterone levels rather quickly with use, despite its complete lack of estrogen conversion. One therefore should consider ancillary drug use at the conclusion of each cycle in order to help restore the normal release of androgens in the body. Using a combination of HCG and Clomid®/Nolvadex® is of course the best option, the two drugs working well together to restore normal hormonal functioning. Although estrogen is not a problem with Halotestin®, the use of an antiestrogen such as Nolvadex® or Clomid® is still indicated when discontinuing a cycle. Since HCG stimulates aromatase activity in the Leydig's cells, here Nolvadex®/Clomid® help by blocking the activity of any excess estrogen that may be produced. Afterward they will also block the inhibitory effect of endogenous estrogens on the hypothalamus, stimulating the enhanced release of gonadotropins and supporting the normal biosynthesis of testosterone. Since Halotestin® is only used for a few specific purposes, it is not in high demand among athletes. Likewise it is not a very popular item on the black market. Investing in the manufacture of a counterfeit version would probably not pay off well, no doubt the reason we haven't seen any yet. All of the various forms of Halotestin® could therefore be assumed legitimate when found in circulation. Currently the most popular item found on the black market is the Stenox brand from Mexico, sold in boxes of 20 tablets. Although the dosage of these tablets is only 2.5mg, the low price usually asked for this preparation more than compensates. Overall, Halotestin® is an effective steroid for a narrow range of uses, and is probably not the most ideal product for the recreational user.
MattyIce said:
I don't see a 3 week run @ 30 mg producing any results...from my experience.
Obviously it depends on the strength of halo. I ran Jokers for 4 weeks and although it produced good workouts and great sex for 4 weeks, I really didn't see the body changes until the next run when I ran it for 8 weeks. The diffrence from week 5 to week 8 was crazy. Obviously...that is how my body reacted to this Halo from this Vendor. If it's true pharmacy grade then 3 weeks may very well do it. But I am a Halo junkie. It's hands down the best pre-workout gear around and it's hardening properties are unsurpassed!
Halo isn't something that's intended for long term uses.(longer than 3weeks)
Mainly used as a finisher for contest or powerlifting.
So use it depending on your goals.
Your not doing it for powerlifting or at low bf% then don't use it. Just mho
Thanks for all the opinions fellas! I took 15mg this morning an hour before my workout and wow by the time I hit the weights I felt like a fucking beast let out the cage! My strength was up and had a great workout. I'll keep doing it like that throughout my run. 15mg in the morning and 15 at night is what I'm going for. Oh and I was horny af all day lol

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Keep us posted on how the remainder of your run goes... Halo has always been on my to-do list...

"Rage-Fuk" ... LOL

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