Hanzo's thoughts on Mesterelone ....


Time Deum
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Mesterelone, commonly known as Proviron (herein), is one of my favorite oral steroids. Proviron standard is Testosterone Propionate. Terminal half life is 12 hours.

Let's start off with Proviron's androgenic/anabolic rating, it's 40/150. It's higher on the anabolic side yet lower on androgenic side than Testosterone (although a much more efficient androgen than Test). Proviron doesn't aromatize in the body and doesn't have significant progestational activity either. So, from the beginning we see that Proviron should provide an anabolic and androgenic boost without sides, especially at moderate levels. Proviron is also not hepatotoxic, since although it's an oral steroid, it's not a c-17 methylated drug. Proviron is resistant enough to breakdown in the liver to allow therapeutically beneficial blood levels to be achieved. We now see we should be able to run Proviron for extended cycles at decent levels, say 50-150mg's/ed. Clinical research has shown subjects have ran Proviron @ 100mg's/ed for 6 months with fairly low rise in serum lipid levels, and zero suppression (yep), considering the dose used. As with all A/A/S, cardiovascular strain and general health is always at the forefront. Always take lipid stabil or another cardiovascular supplement to keep cholesterol levels in healthy range. If you're going to use 150mg's/day or more a cycle of 12 weeks is usually the standard.

One of the most fascinating components of Proviron, imo, is that fairly recent research shows Proviron has an extremely high affinity for plasma binding proteins such as SHBG, which actually works to potentate the activity of other steroids by displacing a higher percentage into a free, unbound state. This means Proviron should act to displace other steroids more weakly bound to SHBG into a free (active) state. That.Is.Awesome. Double dip.

Proviron aids in low libido, raising androgen levels without estrogenic sides. In fact, when Proviron was 1st created (1934) it raised libido and is perhaps the only steroid that was originally thought to not suppress endogenous serum Testosterone levels. Unfortunately all anabolic/androgenic steroids suppress serum Testosterone levels *at some dose*, but Proviron is the mildest in this respect. In fact, Proviron is applicable here because it is such an effective androgen that it offers minimal suppression of gonadotropins in normal therapeutic doses, but NOT because it increases LH output. Believe it or not, in some arenas of medicine it's actually used as a fetility drug because of this reason. Think about that for a moment, an A/A/S drug that is used to INCREASE fertility, merely because of it's androgenic efficacy vs. serum Testosterone suppression. Hmmm. Sounds backwards but is supported in research. Studies have shown Proviron users had to go to 300mg's/ed (definitely not recommended) to show strong suppression of serum Testosterone levels.

Proviron is one of the oldest steroids, and safest. It has literally reams of research available and should be in every A/A/S stack, imo. Proviron is available in pharma mode widely, and isn't counterfeited to any real degree. If you want to raise androgen levels decently without sides, and the added benefit of Estrogen suppression, Proviron might be for you.

Any personal anecdotes, corroborative or non-corrobrotive research, remarks, etc.? Please comment.

I posted this on another website, some of you might see double. 8)
Rarely, mostly no. Too androgenic and has tendency of virilizing sides in women.

If they do want to try 25mg's/ed plus 10-20mg's Nolva/ed. So, I wouldn't think it's really a compound they would use.
I need to get more Proviron !!!
did I tell ya that Hanzo is a genius !!!
Hello EG I am a Proviron Junkie and my name is Mick.

I take 25 to 50mg while cruising and 50 to 100mg while on cycle. I have a problem.

24/7 365 Proviron addict here, help?
trying it now for the first time and really enjoying it. i'm loving the vascularity it's giving me.
I too like Proviron. Ran EGH liquid and liked the results
i love it use it most of the year,, 25 to 50 mg split dose .. great fro the libido and the SHBG effects!
after my first run with it I have used it ever since. Its a great compound to add to every stack. Like you said it helps you get the use of more of your compounds so you would be dumb not to use it.
How often should it be dosed? I'm assuming for a beginner a simple 50mG a day is fine correct? So 25mG twice a day, 12 hours apart?
Daredevil said:
How often should it be dosed? I'm assuming for a beginner a simple 50mG a day is fine correct? So 25mG twice a day, 12 hours apart?
Perfect. 1st therapeutic doses were 75mg's/ed for 2 weeks and then back down to 50mg's/ed (especially for long term). If you want to boost your dose no need to be tentative, Proviron is very safe.

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