hartburn/acid on tren


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
hey guys running 600mg tren e, and 300mg test e. in week 4, and having crazy heartburn or acid reflux. its happened 1 other time on tren but not this bad, any suggestions bec I'm taking way too much tums lol
I would say eat smaller meals and take out some fat from your diet. Those are basic guideline for people with acid reflux but it will help
I'm right there with you cole. I switched to tren e from ace and now I have heartburn at least two out of three nights. My meals haven't changed it all the only thing that changed was the compound ester. This is my first time running tren e so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I'm also sweating a lot more at night and I've had some pretty crazy dreams.

I have actually gone back to taking Prilosec. It seems to be helping so far.
Tren also causes me stomach problems... doesn't matter if it is Tren E or Tren A... makes it hard to eat, so I keep it short (2-3 weeks max) and so I don't get optimal results.

Tren also makes me very short of breath... for those reasons, I don't use it as much as I would like to.
Shortness of breath I've seen. But, this stomach issue is the first I've ever heard of.
Thinking that it might be just eating up more minerals so I need to just add them in. HG gave me a nice list of stuff to get.

What is strange, is that I actually noticed it when switching from Ace to enanthate. Also my aggression increased dramatically. Now granted I did switch vendors going from Ace to e and honestly that could have something to do with it as well.
RockShawn said:
Thinking that it might be just eating up more minerals so I need to just add them in. HG gave me a nice list of stuff to get.

What is strange, is that I actually noticed it when switching from Ace to enanthate. Also my aggression increased dramatically. Now granted I did switch vendors going from Ace to e and honestly that could have something to do with it as well.
RockShawnE is also dosed higher than Ace.....
Something in your diet is also doing it. Don't blame it all on the Tren itself. I get it to a degree but its not something that keeps me awake. The crazy dreams hell yeah. Not an ounce of aggression though. IMO that's over rated. If your an asshole off steroids you are an asshole on steroids. Just my 3ccs.
Tren e is a huge difference from tren a in my books. I absolutely hate it and would choose tren a over e any day....

I was getting heartburn as well at the beginning of my cycle but I eat an ungodly amount of unhealthy food and I was running drol & cialis as well. As soon as I cut those...it stopped.

I would look into anything else you're taking (orals), supports, or your diet.
quit coffee!
worked for me
Buck said:
Something in your diet is also doing it. Don't blame it all on the Tren itself. I get it to a degree but its not something that keeps me awake. The crazy dreams hell yeah. Not an ounce of aggression though. IMO that's over rated. If your an asshole off steroids you are an asshole on steroids. Just my 3ccs.
BuckBig Bump here!
Buck I am an asshole both on and off, but I'm telling you bro, as this enan is kicking in, I'm flat out aggressive. Meals haven't changed and getting the heartburn. I ate like shit today to see what happens. It's just different feeling. In a good way.
I also get MASSIVE heartburn on tren, like cant sleep, doesnt matter what I eat, what OTC supps i take nothing gets rid of it, except when I got omeprezole from the Doc.
RockShawn said:
Buck I am an asshole both on and off, but I'm telling you bro, as this enan is kicking in, I'm flat out aggressive. Meals haven't changed and getting the heartburn. I ate like shit today to see what happens. It's just different feeling. In a good way.
Not calling you our brother just saying I don't get the aggression that people say. I am a big asshole no matter what on or off. I have taken over 700mgs a week of Tren A and never once did I have the ROID RAGE everyone says that they get. You just have to be stronger in the mind to take certain things. Try upping your water intake also see if that helps. We all react to compounds differently. I don't get shit out of EQ at 1200mgs where others get great results at 400mgs.
Well I ate like shit yesterday and didn't have the heartburn last night. I don't know if it that proves anything though.
The last 2 days it's been better but I didn't change anything so idk if in getting used to it or what lol
now that you mention it I got heart burn again...but no good sides :/

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