Have an appointment with Urologist


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Delaying my next run till after I see the doc in early Nov. to discuss TRT. It would be nice to have a script, I'll update this periodically for those interested.
Flying fox you can crush your test with PH, there are a few that will shut you down and not show up as test!
it depends on the doc i'm sure... but mine only test for total testosterone... so almost any PH or steroid would not show except testosterones... i have been tested while on EQ, masteron, Npp, Tbol, anavar... and none of them showed....

wacker is saying Epistane and other fast acting orals shut you down hard and fast....

but depends on the doc i guess .. i would think to test for all o0f that would be expensive and the doc would think it unnecessary...?????

i have just swapped docs as i wanted to be more thorough .. test my E2, free test, thyroid etcc... so we'll see....
phfsupplements still sells epistane and halodrol...etc... several sponsors here carry superdrol and tbol and other orals that shut crash your test levels ... don't know how long it takes or how effective because i have never used them for that but....??? it should do the trick...

if you are over 40 and been cycling a lot you are probably already qualified with low test levels...
Sorry f.f can I share part of this post? Lol how do you guys feel about epi in with aas?
49er... some of those designer steroids were incredibly strong... m1t, superdrol, halodrol... i never used epistane so don't really know much about it, but have heard it was a real dry gainer (tbol like? dryer?).. so if that fits your goals then i think it might be a good addition to a stack.

some of these were very toxic and pretty harsh... but a lot of noobs ran them alone and were shut down fast and very hard and were left with no test.. so as part of a stack a least you would have to deal with the no test... still has sides and some pretty bad...
krustus said:
49er... some of those designer steroids were incredibly strong... m1t, superdrol, halodrol... i never used epistane so don't really know much about it, but have heard it was a real dry gainer (tbol like? dryer?).. so if that fits your goals then i think it might be a good addition to a stack.

some of these were very toxic and pretty harsh... but a lot of noobs ran them alone and were shut down fast and very hard and were left with no test.. so as part of a stack a least you would have to deal with the no test... still has sides and some pretty bad...
krustusMy very first anything was halo and epi definitely dry gains I been hearing good things about epi lately
epi very hit and miss
GRIM said:
epi very hit and miss
GRIMThis was like 3 years ago my first cycle it was from max muscle stuff was good dont know about now. I remember I paid over 200 for the stack and estro blockers that I didn't need lol
GRIM said:
epi very hit and miss
Isn't most of the stuff we take...some people blow up from something and others nothing...as we all know diet and training play a big role. TBH I liked epi more than M1T or SD and the gains you make are easier to keep.

Krustus I would have to read up again but pretty sure M1T converts to test not good if using to shut you down and get bloods for low test.
M1T converts to test

it doesn't... its closer to dihydrobolbenone... i know 1 test cypionate is the inject-able form and is basically dihydroboldenone. which is really similar to primo
I had my appointment today, had my blood drawn and left with 3 boxes of cialis. I will see the doc next Teus and go from there. I'm hoping my test levels were in the gutter after a 11 month off blast cruise and being off for the last couple months.

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