HCG on cycle?


Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
what is the maximum amount of weeks you would use HCG on cycle to prevent atrophy.

I got a 12 week run coming up but have heard in a few places 8 weeks max.

Im planning 1 500iu shot per week. with the last 3 weeks of cycle switching to HMG at 2 75iu shots per week.

so techincally 9 weeks on HCG and 3 weeks on HMG
Personally you could cut it in half. All your doing is spiking the testicles. Your still going to be shut down as long as your taking test. You could do 1500iu 2x at end of cycle for pct thats how i did it when i did a pct.
I take 500ius every 5 days from start to end of cycle when I use it during cycle(which I do every cycle now cause it takes much less to keep out of atrophy than it does to bring yourself out of atrophy and also it save 3 weeks of pct).

If I take it for pct only I do a 3 week protocol, 2500ius for shot #1 then 5 days later on day 6 I take another 2500ius for shot #2, five days after that on day 11 I take 2000ius for shot #3, five days later on day 16 I take 1500ius for shot #4, five days after that on day 21 I take 1000ius for my last shot #5.
Im going to use it on cycle. I understand ill still be shutdown but I want to make PCT as easy as possible since Ill prolly be finishing up my cycle with a 19Nor oral for the last 4 weeks, and im only 26.

So basically running it every 5th day for 12 weeks will be ok?
Yes. It has worked perfect for me for along time doing it 500ius every 5 days. I have used it like that for 6 month cycles and longer.

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