the prototype

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
How long does it take for HCG to start working? My first time using it today. I used a 27G, 1/2" on my belly until my insulin pins come in. I just pinched some fat and injected there. I was going to just go straight in but I thought it might go IM instead of sub Q. Any suggestions on use? I did 500 iu. Will do another 500 iu Tuesday. Will probably lower to 250 iu 2 x week after.
When my wife ran it, it start working according to her in a few days.
By the time of your next shot, you should be feeling some results. 500iu 2x a week is pretty standard dose.
I did 500iu 2 wks ago and could feel increase in sex drive before my next shot a week later. I'm gonna stay at 500iu/ wk for 1 month the drop to 250iu/wk. nuts are already fuller
Any suggestions on where and how to pin? I heard it needs to be sub q. Is this true? I have pretty low bf so I don't know of many places where I can go sub q. I heard you shouldn't pinch the skin as it causes trauma to the area but if I don't it'll go IM.
i pin sub q at th very top of my thigh.. i do have kind of grab it up ... i just don't pinch it hard and go in at an angle.
fuck kids they waste of money and in the end put you in nursing home when you old.
only do it post cycle, because they will turn off again once you pin. this is medium cycle

Week hCG Nolvadex

1 500iu/ed
2 500iu/ed (1st 3 Days) 40mg/ed
3 40mg/ed
4 20mg/ed
5 20mg/ed
the prototype said:
Any suggestions on where and how to pin? I heard it needs to be sub q. Is this true? I have pretty low bf so I don't know of many places where I can go sub q. I heard you shouldn't pinch the skin as it causes trauma to the area but if I don't it'll go IM.
the prototype
Don't worry u can pin anywhere.

Years ago we always pinned it IM in the glutes. This was before all our information came from the internet. Back then we used the World Anabolic Review 1996 as our reference. It states "the liquid is injected into the HCG ampule and mixed with the dried substance. The solution is then ready for use and should be injected intramuscularly."

Hope his eases your mind bro.
massdig said:
fuck kids they waste of money and in the end put you in nursing home when you old.
only do it post cycle, because they will turn off again once you pin. this is medium cycle

Week hCG Nolvadex

1 500iu/ed
2 500iu/ed (1st 3 Days) 40mg/ed
3 40mg/ed
4 20mg/ed
5 20mg/ed

This is interesting, thanks for sharing. I have never seen a PCT protocol using such a low dose of HCG. Once i started cyclying again 6 or 7 years ago, i got in my head that the Dr. Scally program was the only way to do a proper PCT. I tried it probably 7 or 8 times but I never recovered. I even did it twice a couple of times, thats 90 days on PCT but i was still not recovering. I came to the conclusion the hcg was keeping me shut down. Then i tried nolva and clomid only, nolva only nuthing seem to work until i started doing HCG while on cycle. I would do 250iu to 500iu / week for 4 to 6 weeks while on but i would stop the HCG the same week i stopped the long esters before PCT. Then do a nolva and DAA pct or a torem and DAA pct and be recovered in 3 to 4 weeks. I have been seriously anti HCG pct ever since, but this low dose HCG pct u recommend may work. I love doing HCG on cycle though, its just like adding another compound, you get a nice boost for a short while and it helps to recover when you come off. Your recommended pct may be helpful if you have to unexpectedly come off cycle for sum reason too, thanks again for sharing.
I take 250iu twice a week.. I pin it same days as my oils mon and thur. I use 8mm 31g slin pins from Kroger.. Small pinch doesn't hurt a thing. I have kids so not doing it for fertility but to raise my free test and it makes me extra horny plus a fat sack lol. I am never coming off cycle and many would say why use it but I know plenty guys on T replacement and it is standard part of being on. 500iu twice a week is too much for the long haul and I do t want to desensitize the Leydig cells too much. After ever 5000iu bottle I will stop for a week mane 2 then bam back on. When I had my blood checked my total t was 4957 and free test 1800 big part of that free number is the HCG and free test really promotes muscles growth even more that the total from my undrstanding.
I'm on TRT so I'll always be on a cruise or blast. Just got tired of the small boys and weak shots if you know what I mean. I plan to have kids in the next few years so I want to give HCG a try. If it doesn't work, maybe HMG. I'm doing all this without dr supervision except the TRT so I'm a little lost. My first time using HCG.
the prototype said:
I'm on TRT so I'll always be on a cruise or blast. Just got tired of the small boys and weak shots if you know what I mean. I plan to have kids in the next few years so I want to give HCG a try. If it doesn't work, maybe HMG. I'm doing all this without dr supervision except the TRT so I'm a little lost. My first time using HCG.
the prototype
Well given what you said do 250iu twice a week indefinitely buy still take a week or so off in between bottles. This will be good enough to keep your natty signal up but not burnout. 500iu twice a week maybe if your planning to come off totally after a cycle but that's not a long haul dose IMO.
I run hcg with all my cycles, long or short, @500ius every 5 days. I never go into atrophy and my sack always hangs low with no shrinkage. Been doing it for lots of years like that and never had a problem, works like a charm to keep your body seeing that signal.
I pin either sub q-in the belly(most of the time),or IM-in the shoulder. 30g, 1/2" slin pin.

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