Health insurers seek huge price increases as 'affordable' Obamacare


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Health insurers seek huge price increases as 'affordable' Obamacare coverage exposed as yet another government price-gouging scam
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) President Obama's supporters are quick to tout his record as one of tremendous success, especially his "reform" of health care, but that is largely because they like him personally - not because Obamacare has been a rousing success.

By any measure the law, which has routinely been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as constitutional despite the use of dubious legal justifications, remains largely unpopular among a majority of Americans. In addition to that, almost nothing of what the president and acceding Democrats promised the law would do has come to fruition. Indeed, on a number of fronts, the law has created the exact opposite effects.

Take the promise of a reduction in health insurance premiums. When the president was pushing the Affordable Care Act during his first presidential campaign and after he was elected to his first term, he claimed his legislation would reduce the annual premiums for the average family by $2,500. In fact, as documented in this video montage, Obama made the promise repeatedly.
Rates are only going to go up

But in reality health insurance premiums for most Americans have skyrocketed, along with deductibles. According to one report, premiums in some states are rising as much as 51 percent this year.

As Breitbart News reported:

According to states that have released rate requests, New Mexico's market leader Health Care Service Corp. is asking for an average premium spike of 51.6 percent; Tennessee's top insurer BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee wants an average spike of 36.3 percent; Maryland's market leader CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is requesting an average spike of 30.4 percent; and Oregon's top insurer, Moda Health, is seeking a 25 percent spike.

Tens of millions of Americans have also seen their insurance deductibles skyrocket as well - many have become so high that customers have to delay care. Deductibles as high as $6,000 a year per family member are not uncommon.

But as bad as all of this sounds, it is about to get worse - much worse.

Under provisions of federal law, insurance companies are required to file rate increase requests a full year before they can implement them. Even then, state regulatory agencies must approve the increases.

Because new enrollees under Obamacare have been much sicker than insurance companies anticipated, they are requesting even higher rate increases for 2016. As reported by The New York Times, this year's requests range between 20 and 40 percent:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans - market leaders in many states - are seeking rate increases that average 23 percent in Illinois, 25 percent in North Carolina, 31 percent in Oklahoma, 36 percent in Tennessee and 54 percent in Minnesota, according to documents posted online by the federal government and state insurance commissioners and interviews with insurance executives.

Other companies in other states, including Oregon, are also proposing increases.

"Rate increases will be bigger in 2016 than they have been for years and years and will have a profound effect on consumers here," Jesse Ellis O'Brien, a health advocate at the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group, told the Times. "Some may start wondering if insurance is affordable or if it's worth the money."

The president won't admit his reforms have failed

Because of the higher costs of coverage - and because they are not sick nearly as often - millions of young people have opted not to get coverage, thus skewing the numbers of healthy versus sicker consumers, thereby raising the costs for everyone.

None of this matters to the president, however, who arrogantly refuses to acknowledge the unworkable nature of his failed legislation.

Though he is responsible for these increases, and not the insurance companies (because he signed the Affordable Care Act into law and they must comply with its coverage mandates), Obama doesn't think insurance companies should get them. He was on the stump in Tennessee recently arguing that state insurance regulators ought to refuse or scale back the requests.

If they don't get them, a few things will happen. One, companies will go out of business, leaving even fewer coverage choices for consumers than they have now. Two, more Americans will be thrown into the federal system, which is already broke, inefficient and compensates doctors so poorly more that more of them refuse to accept federal insurance of any kind. And three, overall health of the American populace will decline because Obama's "affordable" health reform will have become completely unaffordable.

The alternative - higher rates for all - isn't a much better option.


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Bro my health insurance premium went up skyrocketing. My co pay at doctors and clinic etc went up a few dollars. My deductibles are also eye frightening.

Some people are suggesting Donald Trump will win this upcoming election. I'm curious what will happen if he does
Just as everyone with a brain predicted. Obama care is fucking this country so hard!!!! Can't stand that fuck tard in the White House. Goodbye America. Hello third world Obama land
Yea for those who are jobless. So people who actually work for a living, well we support all the people who aren't working
Yea guys,this has been,as predicted by anyone that had a clue,a complete travesty to all of us.Unless you're the lazy fucks that have a lifetime career as a welfare recipient!! For those working class people that already had it,their costs have gone through the roof.

Also,for those that dont get it,they get fined,which goes up each year they dont have it and can eventually have it taken right out of their tax refunds!!!

As a business owner,they really put me in a shit load of headaches with this shit and had to do some really creative staff rearrangement (on the books) to avoid the out-fucking-rageous costs that I would have incurred.

Just another bullshit,corruption move for yet another dumb fuck politician!!

I also hope Trump gets in just to see what he does.I know,all the people that think he's too cruel and politically incorrect to be the man.WHY,because he tells it like it is and what most really think but are too much of a pussy to say outside of their homes?? We need someone with balls to get into office that has no fear or hesitation speaking out against other politicians as he does now.We've had enough pussy presidents for how many yrs now?? I think we all see what state our once great nation is in.NUFF SAID!!
Hogslayer said:
Wait I thought it was free health care for all?? I'm confused...
HogslayerIt's not 1/2 the reason its failing so bad republicans constant non stop lies and attempts to circumvent it.
Just in my state alone the governor changed laws.and fought it so much his actions increased prememiums

Am I saying the act is perfect? Hell no it has a lot of work but come on be realistic people when the other side is fighting tooth and nail, doing anything to fight it, creating loop holes at the state level, lying non stop what do you expect is going to happen?
^^^lmao. The reason it's failing is cause it was doomed from the beginning. It's not republicans. Besides almost all Americans don't want this shit. Just the sit on their ass crowd likes it

It is the worse thing to happen to the health care industry. It can't sustain itself and everyone's cost are sky rocketing cause of this stupid shit
And the pussy ass so called republicans aren't really fighting it. They should fight it harder cause a vast majority of the America people don't want it.
Mine has actually stayed the same. I personally know some people that are saving tons of money, and I know others that are spending way more.
They have been lying and fighting about it since the beginning.
Most Americans don't even know what it really is.
Haven't been fighting it are you insane?
Non stop law suits, votes in Congress, shmear compaings, the list goes on
Well grim all I know is the working middle class which makes up the majority doesn't want any of it. Why would we?
I know we on different sides of the aisle but I just wanna say what u have created here(EG) is wonderful. Thanks man
Different sides? Umm because I like facts doesn't make it different.
The majority don't even know the truth Republican shmear tactiques have made most have ZERO clue.
Just because someone doesn't blindly take one side or the other doesn't mean he's on the other side.

I'm no liberal. I'm a recovering Republican sick of all their bs lies.
The bottom line is,to force people to HAVE TO PAY for insurance is bullshit and all about collecting more money to line more thieves pockets.Does anyone really think that millions dont have (or didnt have) insurance because they just didnt want it or because they couldn't afford it?? So to force people and to force business owners to have to get and give insurance is ludicrous and should be criminal!! Isnt that what the mob does?? Make people pay for protection?? But they're criminals huh??

Also,as sated,it was supposed to be affordable healthcare for all but this couldn't be further from the truth!! I actually know people that didnt qualify for a subsidy so their rates have gone from 300 a month to over 800 a month now! Pretty affordable right??

So once again,no one has to be a mathematician to figure out that more hard working middle class people are getting fucked over while the lazy fucks are reapingh thr rewards of all of our hard work.AS USUAL!!
Again you're failing to insurance already required and the non stop lying and bitching by the republicans.

Here's an idea why not fix what's broken...instead of lie, sue, and try to circumvent
Lazy fucks were already getting benefits this law doesn't change that...
This next election is going to be epic, seeing changes made for the better or worse.

Isn't there some law in place to protect ObamaCare after Obama leaves office, so that it doesn't get kicked to the curb? I believe there is.
GRIM said:
Again you're failing to insurance already required and the non stop lying and bitching by the republicans.

Here's an idea why not fix what's broken...instead of lie, sue, and try to circumvent
Oh I agree.We do need to fix things.The problem is the ENTIRE system is fucked now and too many crooks to fix it.Where and whom do we start with?? Thats the problem.We need to clean office,ALL OFFICES,throw away the system and laws that are in place and start from scratch.

Certain laws need to be based out of common fucking sense and not whats nice!! Especially to the criminals!!!

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