Heart burn!


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Hadn't had it in a long time but its back with a vengence! What you bros find helps the best?
I have it for life lol, take Nexium everyday and works like a champ... Unless I'm running Tren but I stay away from that now 😉
I have it for life lol, take Nexium everyday and works like a champ... Unless I'm running Tren but I stay away from that now 😉
MickI won't take any heart burn meds bro, I have read where to many of them cause a mans estrogen level to rise and if I remember right I am sure that is why I told the Dr I wouldn't take nexiam.
Some over the counter ant-acids do this also, that is why I research a medicine before taking it and there are a lot of meds that leave a man with higher estrogen levels.

Man Boobs: Nexium Causing Gynecomastia
Nexiam can cause man boobs. If you are a man and you are on nexium or other proton pump inhibitors, you have a chance of developing man boobs.

How Does Nexium cause man boobs?
Cimetidine is the active ingredient in proton pump inhibitors. In some men, cimetidine, can decrease testosterone levels. Your body normally maintains testorone (male sex hormone) en estrogen (female sex hormone) hormones in balance. In some men, stomach medication can disturb this balance. When your testosterone level decreases, the female hormone estrogen becomes more predominant, causing enlarged breast and increased abdominal fat.
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i had nexium and prilosec think it was lost both when i moved grrr
Prilosec. I get generic from Costco.
I have bad acid reflux. Doc put me on Pantomed 40mg. Second day of treatment. We'll see how it goes. I stop eating a bedtime snack too.
I have a hiatal hernia. I just changed my diet stopped taking the any Proton-Pump inhibitors. I do used antiacid chewables if I eat heavy. I went from drinking a cup of coffee to half a cut. Stim free prework outs half a serving. Stopped with beer, I dont drink soda or any carbinated drinks. I cut on sauce just pizza with little sauce. No red bulls any more. When it acts up I take a tea spoon of baking soda and mix it into 16oz of water calms it down for me.
mine been getting so bad its actually spewing up and out as throw up havent been this bad in years
I used to have acid reflux so bad at night it felt like it was burning a hole in my esophagus but after research I tried apple cider vinegar with the mother which just means it has not been denature or filtered and had all the active pulp etc floating around in it.
Don't remember how long it took to go away but it cured it and I hardly ever suffer from acid reflux anymore.
I did mix it with all natural honey in a little water to help the taste and cut down on the burn going down. I actually read where it regulates the PH in your stomach acid but it has been along time sine I have read any articles on it.
Can't promise anything but I hope this works for someone else also.
who doesnt love moooobs!
Most men seem to have them now days, whether they are 20 or 60. I like boobs well rounded and perky with nice nipples that just say suck on me all night, mmmm.
Whoops sorry, kind of off topic a little......
bpc-157 injected into the gut gets rid of it in a few days for me. unfortunately, it tends to come back about a month after stopping the bpc. then i just use ranitidine to manage the symptoms. i need to clean up my diet a bit too.
I was having it every damn day. Throat and mouth tasted like acid almost daily. It would come up when in bed. Idk what helped but it went away out of nowhere. It was around the time I started drinking apple cider vinegar and activated charcoal. Not sure if thats what helped. Prior to that I was taking omeprazole. It used to work good until a few months ago. Luckily, it stopped.

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