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Does/Has anybody gotten Heartburn from TRen? Specifically Enanthate. My buddy has been taking Tren with his Test E and getting the worst Heart burn. His diet is actually very clean right now, so it's not the food. This has happened before, and he's had to back off the Tren from 1cc 2x a week to 1/2cc 2x a week.
That seemed to help it last time. The Test is at a 1:1 dose, so nothing special going on there. And, the Test/Tren is a different vendor then last time. I personally have never heard of Tren Heartburn, so just curious if anyone else has had that issue.

Underlying factors that weren't present on the last cycle: High blood pressure. Starts medication for that, today I believe.
Prami gave me the worst I ever had. I have ran tren at varying dose and don't beleive it was causing it. Nexium...Shit is gold but you have to take it every day and it will take a couple of days to kick in. Tums...milk will help in the mean time. Nexium babe...get it!
since it acts as a central nervous system stimulant excessive stomach acid is a common side effect, i d just suggest prilosec
It happens quite often from posts and topics I've read in the past. I also experienced it. What works well is an anti acid reducer. I've taken ones from over the counter and it worked well. Prilosec and Nexium are too expensive though, there are cheaper options.
If I'm on tren I have heartburn daily. I go buy those Mexican OTC pills and take 2 a day. Usually goes away in about 5 days. Then lower it to one a day after that.

Dam autocorrect. Nexium not mexican

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oh yes... it can be damn near debilitating. Mine seems to come and go throughout the cycle. have never really pinpointed a direct link to what I may be doing. I just chalk it up to tren. I have never tried to combat it with anything however. I may try a couple of the above suggestions next cycle though.
This will sound crazy but if you have really bad heartburn take a big tablespoon of yellow mustard. Five minutes it is gone. I even had a pregnant friend of mine try it and she was amazed. Long term take a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar. Try it and let me know.
I've never gotten from tren but i have a close friend that gets it all the time when deep into his tren run.
I told him he's just a pussy, but I'll recommend some apple cider vinegar. Lol
TSizemore said:
Does/Has anybody gotten Heartburn from TRen? Specifically Enanthate. My buddy has been taking Tren with his Test E and getting the worst Heart burn. His diet is actually very clean right now, so it's not the food. This has happened before, and he's had to back off the Tren from 1cc 2x a week to 1/2cc 2x a week.
That seemed to help it last time. The Test is at a 1:1 dose, so nothing special going on there. And, the Test/Tren is a different vendor then last time. I personally have never heard of Tren Heartburn, so just curious if anyone else has had that issue.

Underlying factors that weren't present on the last cycle: High blood pressure. Starts medication for that, today I believe.
yes all the time. Tums are in my pocket everyday

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