Hello gentlemen. Sleeper here saying a hello and a thank you for allowing me to be part of the site. Have been on for a little over 3 weeks and still working out the flow of the website. Got called out as a lurker today and with all the shit that seems to be going on I dont blame the brothers for looking out for everyone. Figured I needed to at least tell the bros out there who I am and take it from there. Special thanks to BIGBOSS for bringing me over from BOP. I have an extensive knowledge of anatomy and pharmacology. Book knowledge. Masters degrees in both subjects. My profession is anesthesia, hence the name sleeper. Professional drug dealer, gas passer. I have a huge interest in the BRO Science of AAS. The shit that can only be learned by the dudes pushing their bodies and physiology to the max. That being said, I have always kept my posts to my area of expertise. So I wont be commenting on what sides to expect from a gram a week of test, but if you are going in for rotator cuff surgery and need a bro to walk you all the way through rehab, or you need help with self phlebotomy, or what time a day is best to take the aspirin that you should be taking if you are on AAS - that's me!