Help, Joints sore as f*ck


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so I been on test/tren for a while... lately, like the last month and a half or so, my knees have been KILLING me.... like an annoying pain that if I touch the center of my kneecap it hurts too.... I googled and read this could be due to tren drying you out and many others experienced this... Im also on Adex liquid at around 2mg a wk [.5 EOD] (I have naturally high estrogen) So I dropped the tren, and just am on test now.

I know deca [I read EQ also boosts collagen synthesis I think by 180%?] will benefit the joints, but DO NOT want sex drive problems as tht scares me as Ive had it in the past but it was due to sky high estro levels...

So questions I got for the Gurus.

1) Test/Deca only? or add EQ, and what would be a good dosage?
2) How long can Adex be ran safely for? Is there something else I can run instead? Maybe the Adex is drying me out a bit too, not sure.
3) I also started taking liquid fish oil, Any other supps that you guys suggest?
4) Peptides? Which is best for joint recovery? ghrp and cjc 1295? or is there something else better for joints

thanks in advance guys, my knees feel like they are about to explode..

PS, yes I am drinking plenty of fluids (water mostly)
npp and essential oils via diet (avocados, good oils like olive oil etc,)
It could be many things. It could be you are just overworking your legs being on Tren. That shit will make your body lift more than it safety can in some cases.. It could also be low estro but 2mgs of adex is a pretty conservative dose. You can always switch to aromasin but if its low estro that probably wont be much of a better solution. As far as adding an AAS to help your pain you would only be putting a band aid on a bullet hole but it may get you through your cycle however.... it may end up causing more damage. I say this because if you are sore from a muscle or tendon standpoint, taking an AAS to keep pushing through is only going to further aggravate it. That being said deca would be the best option for that..

Text book answer.. Get bloods to check your estro, if thats in check you know its a muscle, tendon, joint issue which I believe to be most likely. Ice and rest.. no easy way out. Supps are not gonna do much I am afraid... now Wacker had a shoulder injury and was taking something that helped a bit.. Shoot him a pm perhaps.
Taking something to cover up the pain isn't really best solution. Might get you by for a few days of relief. Never heard of anyone eating healthy fats and getting rid of knee problems honestly. I don't know your age but most likely just over working knees. Tren can cause joint pain in some I've heard never gotten it myself. That much adex I doubt estrogen is too low. You doing lots of squats?
Try some Anavar...10mgs a day it will help with joint and tendon issues and has almost no sides.
I have the same issues with my knees, I take the sups mentioned above.. But what really helped was NPP
Var has not helped tren related joint pain in my experience, npp defo will help... And with a quickness. Lol
cissus is another good one not mentioned yet, along with curcumin/bioperine
bossman said:
cissus is another good one not mentioned yet, along with curcumin/bioperine
great stuff, stacks well with any anti inflammatory such as fish oil. Vit C and collegen as well.
I think a lot of people are not really comprehending what op wrote... His knees are so bad that it hurst to touch them. Throwing these supplements at them are not going to help that type of pain. What we have is a bunch of broscience herbal remadies and AAS solutions that are more than likely going to make the problem no better but worse if the op tries to mask these symptoms and push through it. When your joints are so bad that it hurst to push on them its not time to throw deca at the problem. Its time for ibuprofen, ice and rest.
I agree with LT's script of ibuprofen, ice and rest. I'll also tell you that my knees were at the first stage of this pain. Chondroitin and glucosamine didn't help at this point, but I found a product by Schiff at Costco called Move Free Joint Health that included but went beyond chondroitin and glucosamine. After a week of rest and a week taking this stuff, I'm good as new.

Was it the rest? Was it Move Free? Who knows... all I know is I'm going to keep taking it and hope I'm over this shit.
Now dont get me wrong, most of the suggestions I agree with but also most of those are preventative meassures or are taken so the joints dont get to the point where the ops are. Deca is great for some relief but when things are so bad that your knees feel like they are gonna explode its time to rest for a bit. After you heal up like T-bar said, incorporate the above suggestions and try to keep things managable. Those things RIGHT NOW are really unlikely to help this situation. Plus lets think long term... Unless this shit is life and death or you have a comp coming up why not rest your lower body a bit... It seems some of the thinking is putting a glove over your hand so it does not hurt as bad when you get hit with a hammer... Damage is still being done and adding up...
Like LT was saying,

REST your knees
Trying to work through it with that kind of pain is most likely causing MORE damage.

Ice AND Heat, use BOTH.
Ice alone will not work nearly as good!!!

Get your knees as cold as you can possibly stand it,
and then warm them thoroughly with a heating pad,
and keep repeating this for as long as possible, like while you sit and watch tv or surf the net.

The ice helps the pain and inflammation, and reduces the blood flow.
And then the heat brings fresh blood and nutrients for healing.

Remove the tren and adex and you'll know in a couple of days if that is contributing to it, but keep in mind, don't continue to work your knees until you're SURE they are ready.
MORE REST is better than less.

Chondroitin and Glucasamine, fish oil, and other suppls mentioned will help.

But, one suppl that I WILL NEVER be without is Dit Da Jow(Triple Strength) by Wing Lam.
I know no one here has heard of it, and it sounds like broscience, but I can PROMISE that it is not.

For years, I used it while I regularly practiced martial arts.
I used to come home black and blue and purple from grappling on concrete floors at my school.
My wife would rub me down, and then 2 days later when headed back to class, it would be just a pale yellow,
and then my wife would have to rub me down again when I came back home black, blue, purple again, just to do it 2 days later all over again.
This went on for years.
So I KNOW it works.

And I've used it on just about any sports injury you can think of.
Anyway, it will ACTUALLY HEAL your knees.
It dramatically increases the bloodflow and healing power, and it also greatly reduces the pain!!!
Here's the link:

It's very cost effective especially if you buy in bulk, and they will reduce the shipping cost if you ask.

You just pour some in the cap, and apply what you put in the cap.
Never pour any back in the bottle, it could spoil the unused portion because of the oils in your skin.
Also, do not shake the bottle, the oxygen in the bubbles will degrade the strength of the Jow, but instead gently slosh the bottle to stir.

You'll be glad you tried it, plus you can use it next time you need to because you'll probably have some left.

8) 8) 8)
LittleTom said:
Now dont get me wrong, most of the suggestions I agree with but also most of those are preventative meassures or are taken so the joints dont get to the point where the ops are. Deca is great for some relief but when things are so bad that your knees feel like they are gonna explode its time to rest for a bit. After you heal up like T-bar said, incorporate the above suggestions and try to keep things managable. Those things RIGHT NOW are really unlikely to help this situation. Plus lets think long term... Unless this shit is life and death or you have a comp coming up why not rest your lower body a bit... It seems some of the thinking is putting a glove over your hand so it does not hurt as bad when you get hit with a hammer... Damage is still being done and adding up...
I agree with the part where LT quoted me. Totally brilliant stuff!
I forgot to mention ive been slaying the treadmill lately on high incline/low speed. which I know murders the knees, another strange thing is that this pain is mainly upon waking up, and sitting or doing things like driving. I have zero pain while walking or working out which is weird. Any suggestions on what I should replace the Adex with since Ive always had high estro problems? Whats the safest AI to run for long periods of time? I have dropped tren for time being, still hurts but slightly less I guess. Thanks for the help guys!

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