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i'm having pain and burning sensation in the testicle area, left side, and perhaps right under the testicle. i'm wondering if it's related to BPH or if i have some sort of infection, or maybe even a hernia. anyone else experienced this? it's been like this for the past few days. also getting the burning sensation when i ejaculate and sometimes when i urinate too.
Sounds like epididymitis. 1000mg Cefin for 15 days should clear it up.

Go to a urologist to get accurate diagnosis. Your GP might prescribe levquin, which is good, it can weaken tendons. Not got for guys lifting.
Sounds like epididymitis. 1000mg Cefin for 15 days should clear it up.

Go to a urologist to get accurate diagnosis. Your GP might prescribe levquin, which is good, it can weaken tendons. Not got for guys lifting.
I’ve had that & it’s no joke. I swear to this day if I get blue balls the one that was twisted hurts so much worse than the other.
What's Cefin? antibiotic? this is annoying, whatever it is lol
Yup. It’s good for getting deep into the tissue.
looks like it's just prostatitis. ten days on cipro and my balls should be up and running again!
waiting on HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea results. no hernia, torsion, or masses tho. got a prostate exam too. i think she had her whole hand up there! ooh la la
bacteria from a uti or std. i think you can get it other ways too
all labs came back negative, so not sure the cause. if this cipro she prescribed doesn't work, i might have to come off and see if that solves the problem. down to 125 mg test cyp per week for now (from 250) to see if that helps. thinking of trying some cialis or traditonal chinese medicine prostate formula next, but probably should come off for awhile anyway.
all labs came back negative, so not sure the cause. if this cipro she prescribed doesn't work, i might have to come off and see if that solves the problem. down to 125 mg test cyp per week for now (from 250) to see if that helps. thinking of trying some cialis or traditonal chinese medicine prostate formula next, but probably should come off for awhile anyway.
who's got my RAD140?
i don't want to quit, believe me. but if it's the best thing to preserve my health, i will
i don't want to quit, believe me. but if it's the best thing to preserve my health, i will
R2D2just giving ya shit bro, coming off sometimes only way to be sure
Decided i'm gonna come off for a bit as a precautionary measure. gonna do a pct and all that and then see how i feel. still experiencing some mild inflammation in my prostate/testicle areas once in awhile. better safe than sorry

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