

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
hemorrhoids are tormenting my life the itch is unbearable i can't sit still for two mins without having to wiggle in my seat or going to the bathroom to scratch scratch scratch. i haven't seen a doc but im almost certain its hemorrhoids i check off all the symptoms online blood when wiping, itch, discomfort. anyone get theirs taken care of or know any remedies?
Dude I had this once and it really was the worst. I just went to walgreens and got two different types of preparation h (hemorrhoid cream you can buy anywhere). Pretty much felt immediately better and was 100% a week later.
Damn bro, they suck! That's for sure! I have two and they are noticeable and sometimes just itchy but sometimes very painful. Sometimes the pain is so intense I can't sleep and my lower back feels the pain from them.

That preparation H (max) cream does wonders bro! You can use the Walgreens version, I just highly recommend getting the Maximum relief one.

It's simple to use, poke out safety seal, draw a little out to lube the insert and slowly insert into your anal. Shoot a little in and then wipe off insert and reapply some on your finger and wipe on the exterior of your anus.

By the way health insurance does not, I repeat does not cover hemmroids. I discovered that when I went to the doctor. Doctors classify it as domestic surgery... also it can cost a range between $1K-$3K to handle them in the dr office...

Best of luck.

Also try ibuprofen at 600mg every 6 hours for 24 hours to relieve pain and inflammation.
sweet thanks guys I'm getting this now! does this cure it or temp relief? That's unbelievable dd I'm in no way paying that much thanks for the heads up
For me it was permanent relief. Never had the issue again and this was like 2 years ago. It was just as you described though and seriously on my mind 24/7. Went and bought some of prep h, problem never came back, and I pray to Zeus it doesn't return.
Depends on the size whether they will be a long term issue. Id size of a small pea probably not. If size of a small bean upwards to Lima bean, then probably long term issue.

Small sized ones shrinks up and hides whereas bigger ones hang out to play for eternity. Lol
i don't know the size i have not felt anything out of the ordinary down there all I have are the symptoms
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I thought I did but oh well. I'll finger my butt when I work up the courage thanks for the input
Doesn't matter now Troy. I think 70% of us here have had or have hemorrhoids.

If you feel uncomfortable doing that, have you girlfriend or wife check.

It's part of life bro, nothing to be discouraged or embarrassed about.
Yea who gives a shit? PM if you wanna see mine. Gotta paypal me $50 though
External hemorrhoids = elastic bands
Internal hemorrhoids = surgery
Relief = Preparation H

Good luck!
Finger in the butt method is the sure fire way to confirm or dispel the suspicion of hemorrhoids lol

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