hey guys, I saw TSizemore at the gym today!


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash


LMAO some people are clueless as shit!!!!
WTF is that shit
Yeah i agree i wont do those stupid fake pull ups. But this is hulk and superman competition.
I have to tell you though there are more hot chicks at crossfit then at regular gym.
My son is a high school wrestler. Also hes more of a meathead like the rest of us. On winter days when school was let out early or canceled(which according to rules they couldn't practice at the school), his head coach was buddies with a crossfit gym owner. The crossfit guy would allow my son's team to have their practice at the crossfit gym. My son was totally against it lol. As soon as the wrestling practice was over, the staff would inervene and try to get the wrestlers into crossfit. Anyway the shorter woman who didn't resemble a crossfitter at all was really trying to get into my son's business. He was raised to be polite and several times told her - no thank you mam- Im not interested. She kept saying but you have a ton of muscle, let us show you how real athletes train. She started to load a bar in a squat rack type thing, and she turned around and he was gone lol. On the phone bitching with me that hes never going there again...... lmao He said dad, she's like 5'3" 180 lbs with big flabby arms and she's going to instruct crossfit. Get outta here. 9:30 pm that night hes out in our gym squatting cause he's still pissed. I don't know where he gets it from lmao
Guys, while I'm no crossfitter by any means. Don't discount the validity of the movement! There are serious and encouraging results to be had by some of the Crossfit stuff going on. Now, those pullups are silly and so are a lot of the moves....but, remember the focus of those moves isn't about picking something up and putting something down, it's about explosive movement! Most of Crossfit is based on the Olympic moves and performing them in an explosive faction. I could care less about the sprints, or the kipping pull-ups, burpees, etc...but, I do perform those KB swings, DB snatches, The Clean&Press, etc...because they are beneficial and have a cardio aspect to them. Unfortunately, Crossfit is here to stay,.....it's just like any other fad workout regimen.....find the best parts of it to make it work, and make it work safely! The only down side I see to Crossfit is the abundance of Moron instructors who don't know how to limit the weight and movement safely!

I know I'm gonna catch shit for this post, but,.........I'm gonna repeat, I'm not a Crossfitter, I just see the value in it for a different style of workout.
A buddy of mine owns a Crossfit gym. He was constantly bugging me to try it out. So while I was recovering from double hernia surgery I gave it a shot. Did it as my sole workout plan for a year. I've gotta admit I was a little burned out from the "traditional" workout methods. Now I will be the first to say I don't agree with everything in a Crossfit gym but I did notice some good things. I'm now back in the regular gym and am as focused and pumped to be there as ever. I personally think Crossfit can have a use and place and I have noticed it does get people in the gym who most likely wouldn't work out at a real gym; for whatever reason. Never really understood the hatred for Crossfit that a lot of people have.
I go to crossfit, but because the wife pays for me to be with her. I think it is a scam "out of pock cost $150" a month, and the cult type mantality. Even though you think their workouts are shit, the chicks that used to be over weight look smoking hot. I do not see any of that in regular gyms.
. the golds has a bunch of fat chicks walking and doing retarded shit. It is plain and simple
It has its place in its own gym. They can take their bumper plates and their kettle bells and go elsewhere. They use our contemporary squat racks etc, and turn them into weird things. When I was working out in a larger chain of gyms in the summer Id be polite and ask how much longer buddy??? You have the squat rack tied up and you're not even squatting...... Fucker told me when hes done. He goes for his 5 min walk and I took his blocks, kettlebell and rope and put it out in the center of the floor and I started squatting.. A worker from behind the desk came to me and expressed there was a complaint. I gave my honest explanation, he put his head down and said ok I ll take care of it. The chain is club fitness, they're full of hammer strength and our contemporary equipment. I saw the guy leaving with 2 gym bags approx ten mins later. Oh well. the squat rack is for squatting
What was he doing in the squat rack if he wasn't squatting? Sounds like an idiot, not necessarily because of Crossfit but just in general. At the Crossfit gym I was at we seldom used racks and when we did it was only on squat days. Any other time you had to get strong enough to pull the weight from the floor to get it into press positions, etc. I've got to say I got stronger doing it. My biggest compliment to crossfit is it has gotten many people involved in working out that wouldn't normally do it. My wife is a great example. She hates the gym and traditional workouts but will regularly go to the Crossfit gym. Would I do it as a young guy, probably not, but as an older guy I got some decent results from it.
Even though that guy doing those "pull ups" looks like a fool I would like to see the guy filming it and calling him a fucking moron bust out one hundred of whatever those were. Bet the guy filming couldn't even do 50
lith56bigguy said:
It has its place in its own gym. They can take their bumper plates and their kettle bells and go elsewhere. They use our contemporary squat racks etc, and turn them into weird things. When I was working out in a larger chain of gyms in the summer Id be polite and ask how much longer buddy??? You have the squat rack tied up and you're not even squatting...... Fucker told me when hes done. He goes for his 5 min walk and I took his blocks, kettlebell and rope and put it out in the center of the floor and I started squatting.. A worker from behind the desk came to me and expressed there was a complaint. I gave my honest explanation, he put his head down and said ok I ll take care of it. The chain is club fitness, they're full of hammer strength and our contemporary equipment. I saw the guy leaving with 2 gym bags approx ten mins later. Oh well. the squat rack is for squatting
I can't stand lack of etiquette like this. Same thing with circuit training - a superset is ok, but once you tie up 3 or even 4 stations and have the gall to verbally defend with "sorry I'm using this, and this, and this", you need to be shown the door and drive yourself to the crosshit gym.
Why would you wanna do kipping pullups if you can easily injure yourself? not only that but you're not really using your muscle to pull yourself up. Its not even a work out. LOL! the link explains it.
the whole problem with crossfit is that in their zeal to develop a new style of workout and competition, they neglected to take participants health and well being in consideration. Torn hamstrings, labrums, slap tears, tendon injuries - all from the repetitive, under stress motions and not being instructed or watched properly. I have several crossfit buddies and they are always injured and one is an instructor, but you can't get it through their head it's from improper form, they think form doesn't matter just the moving of the weight or your body. Now I know why my chiropractor loves it so much, can you say revenue stream?

Those pull ups are the stupidest thing I've seen.

I do KB swings too but its not the amount they think I should do.
Yeah, just go to mobilitywod. That guy makes a ton of $ dealing with crossfitter's injuries, lack of prehab, etc.
I swear all the motions you see people doing are just to try and impress other clueless dip shits standing around watching them it seems like. That is truly why crossfit is retarded...
the chicks that used to be over weight look smoking hot. I do not see any of that in regular gyms.

hmmmm..... crossfit does seem to real good for chicks...

i think additional work in some form of crossfit style would benefit a lot of us meatheads... your normal weight workouts would be the meat of it but a day or 2 crossfit style work capacity training would probably be a good deal

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