HGH, cjc1295, ghrp-6


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What's the best way to run this?

Been on HGH for about 5 weeks at 3ius/bed time.

Started Sunday pinning the cjc1295 2x a week and the ghrp-6 3x a day morning. Before lunch after workout. (Makes me hungry as fuck too. I swear I can not eat enough to feel the void.. not even kidding) then pin the gh right before bed.

Am I doing this the best way or do you suggest something else? Want experienced answers here too if possible. I feel this will make a good jump in my igf-1 levels. I'm also taking t4 200mcg a day.. any feedback is greatly appreciated.
When I ran both gh and peptides I ran my gh first thing in the morning and then peps post workout and bedtime. With everything I read about timing on gh it seems that it doesn't matter am or pm. It seems to me your doing it right you should get some good results as long as your patient.
Yes I read so many different shit.. I heard prebedtime one pin for more of a muscle gain. And split for bf loss from a well respected member on another board.. but I never planned to run peps along side. I started reading more the past few days before I posted here and I started reading all sorts of shit. Hate the mixed ideas floating around but I guess that can either mean people all react different (which is true) and/or it doesn't matter like you said on timing.. outside of splitting doses. I guess I'll stick to my protocol and see how it goes. I do know I'm getting leaner as my weight is staying 199-201 ... I really am leaning out the last 2 weeks and my diet as actually increased in calories due to the peps making me EAT.. guess I'll see what the long haul has for me.
If you take your gh before bed it will shut down your natural production. You should pin the gh in the morning and the peps pre and post workout and before bed
Are you sure about that? I did a lot of reading and I never seen that to be an issue. Where is your source from?
I can try and look for a scientific study but I dont have one right now. But your natural gh spikes after 1-2 hours of sleeping. If you shoot gh your body will not produce any. If you shoot peptides before bed the body will produce even more gh naturally. GH is lowest in the morning so shoot it then. Your body will have natural peaks after worjkouts and before bed so shooting the peps will help that natural production
morrey said:
I can try and look for a scientific study but I dont have one right now. But your natural gh spikes after 1-2 hours of sleeping. If you shoot gh your body will not produce any. If you shoot peptides before bed the body will produce even more gh naturally. GH is lowest in the morning so shoot it then. Your body will have natural peaks after worjkouts and before bed so shooting the peps will help that natural production
morreyAlways followed this myself.. First thing in the am - I mean very first thing - for daily dose and first thing in the am and late afternoon for split dose on the HGH
Here's the deal with the peptides....Ghrp-6 & -2 release the stored (existing) Natural Gh. Cjc tells the body to produce more. Gh is an exogenous supply to your existing. They don't all play nice together. That being said.....Pin your Gh first thing in the morning. Pin BOTH (Ghrp and Cjc) your peps together from mid morning on until bed time. The bedtime pin will be your most efficient pin. And yes, pinning Gh before bed will interrupt your natural Gh pulse. Plenty of studies done and available to back that up.

Side note....pinning Cjc only twice a week is a complete waste.
I have the one with dac.. so it's timed release. It was free so I'm burning it while I got it. From the reading I've done the one that's timed release can be pinned once a week since it's a half life of 8 days but best to pin at least 2x a week.

And thanks for that I will definitely be swapping my gh from night to morning!! It makes sense when you explained it. Much appreciated guys.

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