HGH with T3/Clen/T4


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hey Guys,

About to start my 2nd ever run with HGH, most of you know I've tried just about everything under the sun over the last several years, this year i'll be starting at 1iu hgh and working up to 6iu for the last 3 months of the year. Cycling on and off of aas during this as well. I usually run clen/t3 once or twice a year for about 8 weeks at a time (benedryl every 3rd week at night).

Heres my questions:

Can I run my normal clen/t3 stack while on hgh? or should I lower the t3 amount? (last run i worked up to 100mcg/day of both clen and t3)

I know T4 is the preferred item for HGH, if I want to run clen/t3 stack along with some t4 for the hgh, what would a solid safe dosage for each be? The T4 debate is pretty one sided with everyone saying its better to run with hgh but the dosage I see for it is anywhere from 50mcg/day to 200mcg/day, and none of this discussion mentions clen & t3 in the mix...

let me know what y'all think.

Stats for those of you that don't know:
26 years old
16% BF (working on getting back down)
numerous cycles done

Current Cycle
500mg Test e/week (18 weeks)
500mg eq/week (16 weeks)
40-60 mg/day var (last 9 weeks)
I'm in week 9 of this.

Thanks guys,
Don't run the Clen/T3/T4 together....T4 is converted into T3. Just run Clen/T4 with your GH. I've run 200+mcgs of T4 and been fine. I know of others that have run as much as 400mcg T4....that's really just foolish and not necessary. 200mcg is plenty.
halfnatty said:
Do you really get a lot of fatloss on hgh?
TSize is right, not a lot of fat loss but your skin tone and muscle tone improve, it rejuvenates your internal organs also.
TSizemore said:
Don't run the Clen/T3/T4 together....T4 is converted into T3. Just run Clen/T4 with your GH. I've run 200+mcgs of T4 and been fine. I know of others that have run as much as 400mcg T4....that's really just foolish and not necessary. 200mcg is plenty.
Damn I'm a more is less guy ??? and have only been running my T4 at 50mcgs a day, seems to give me a headache and flushed face if I go higher.
im cutting for a show right now and running 100mcgs of t3 day along with 3ius gh with weight loss in the 2-3 lbs per week
Wacker said:
Damn I'm a more is less guy ??? and have only been running my T4 at 50mcgs a day, seems to give me a headache and flushed face if I go higher.
Source? Definitely doesn't sound right for t4 @50mcg's/day. Even t3 shouldn't do that @50mcg's.
TSizemore said:
Im still trying figure out what hgh IS good for? Its not size from what i hear, its not fatloss from what i hear... So whys everybody spending all this,money,on it?
Hanzo said:
it rejuvenates your internal organs also.
this is a fairly debated statement, if you were 65 and said that id believe it, as a less than elderly person many studies show it ages your organs, basically knocking years off your life when used before the body is deficient , i stay away from it.
misterB said:
this is a fairly debated statement, if you were 65 and said that id believe it, as a less than elderly person many studies show it ages your organs, basically knocking years off your life when used before the body is deficient , i stay away from it.
Well, hGH has been shown in clinical study one after the other to improve the overall health of your internal organs. CAVEAT, and it's a big one : if you have any local cancer growth in your body hGH or GH can (will if it's advanced stage) cause said cancer to proliferate. From my understanding hGH shows better results with users who are in their upper 30's through 40's. The telomerase length issue comes into play after that. Telomerase chain length comes into play with many steroidal compounds though, including RC's. Some shorten (bad), some lengthen.

For what it's worth ... steroid use has shown to degenerate cellular life by a rate of up to 2x normal.
tkasch30 said:
Im still trying figure out what hgh IS good for? Its not size from what i hear, its not fatloss from what i hear... So whys everybody spending all this,money,on it?
tkasch30In lower doses, it's good for metabolic boosting, muscle recovery, cell growth (not additional cells, but individual cell growth), and release of natural Igf.
misterB said:
i hear Aromasin may increase IGF-1 , thats an awesome side effect
Yet another reason why I like Aromasin so much. Overwhelming evidence proves it's more effective at estro suppression than Adex and is a suicide inhibitor. Also easier on all lipid levels and panel markers.
TSizemore said:
In lower doses, it's good for metabolic boosting, muscle recovery, cell growth (not additional cells, but individual cell growth), and release of natural Igf.
Ya i guess i knew that but almost any steroid does the same things for,much cheaper

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