Highest Blast You've Ran?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Trying to get a little discussion going on for the contest grim posted.

What is your highest mg wise stack/cycle/blast you've ever ran?

Im not the highest blaster but am curious to see what others run on occassion.

Mine is:

700mg tren a
700mg test p
700mg mast
300mg deca (was running this before and continued it for joints)
75mg dbol wk1-4

ran that for 9 weeks. was aiming for 12 but my BP got too high and i had to come off.
Thats the highest dose I ran with properly dosed gear! I have ran 350mg sust ED and 50mg winny ED but the shit was underdosed
largest cycle was probable the worst one too, did about 1100 test PP and 600 npp, the nnp was fine but i was a wreak on the test at that level, emotional and crazy, im good bellow 800 and dont recall any note worthy gains now i do 500 trena and 300 to 400 test with 600 mast and its very enjoyable and grow well on it
Great conversation thread..............but, I hope it leads more people to the understanding that "Less is More" in this genre. There is no real need for the average lifter here to be doing Huge doses. It's not only counter productive, but wasting money, and hurting your health. Now, that's not to say that I haven't ran my gm of test with Deca and/or Orals....but, as MisterB said.....more and better gains are seen on realistic "goal setting" doses than Blasting as much gear as you can fit in a pin will do. IMHO
2000mg sust weekly
75mg d bol 4 weeks
doctor and wife shut me now at about week nine, cholesterol issues
TSize. Yes I agree, more is not always better. You want to run as little as possible to achieve your reasonable goals. I totally agree and I wasn't trying to make this a thread to encourage others to use as much as they possibly can. Just simply a conversation on wbat based . There are risks going too high. Just trying to see what people have taken.
blasson said:
TSize. Yes I agree, more is not always better. You want to run as little as possible to achieve your reasonable goals. I totally agree and I wasn't trying to make this a thread to encourage others to use as much as they possibly can. Just simply a conversation on wbat based . There are risks going too high. Just trying to see what people have taken.
blassonNo worries....I understood exactly what you where asking. 😉 Like I said, it should be a good conversation thread.
900mg sust
450mg eq

Felt great. Felt so good infact gonna try that run again in the future
350 Test Prop per wk
700 Tren Ace per wk
350 Mast Prop per wk
100 Anavar ED

This is where I learned the hard way that the low Test/high Tren resulting in less sides thing is a load of BS. Reflux was so bad 8 weeks in that I could barely eat. Now a days I stick to about 750-1g Test and 350-450mg Tren Ace of NPP per week.
I usually only run test or test and npp but decided to try what others competing or getting ready to compete were posting up,don't remember all the doses or gear but I can tell you that is the worst I have felt.Started going down hill from there,my body was being brought down from aas overload,this is when you realize less is more in my case,my body still hasn't recovered as I have not been the same since and that was about a year ago I would say.
I've run as high as this but not all these compounds at once. Test is the staple though. But during these last few years I've changed to the less is more protocol and have actually seen better results.

1750mg test
1200 mg tren
900mg eq
600 mg mast
20iu's GH
40iu's skin

Currently looks like this

800mg test
400 mg tren
400 mg mast
I have run cycles upwards of 4000mg per week. I know guys that compete that do 5000mg right up to contest time. I keep my cycles low now because I only do 3 weeks runs before switching to something different so I don't up my doses like that now.


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