History Facts They Didn’t Teach You At School


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Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man to ever live in history.​

Nephew and heir of Julius Caesar, Roman Emperor Augustus had an estimated net worth of $.46 trillion when counting for inflation.

Some say that Mansa Musa, king of Timbuktu, was the world’s wealthiest man as his wealth was apparently too great to count.

However, Augustus’s staggering wealth could be measured.

Alexander the Great was buried alive… accidentally.​

At age 32 when he died, Alexander the Great had conquered and created the largest land-based empire the world has ever seen. It stretched from the Balkans to Pakistan.

In 323 BC, Alexander fell ill and, after 12 days of excruciating pain, he seemingly passed away.

However, his corpse didn’t show any signs of rot or decomposition for a whole six days.

Modern-day scientists believe Alexander suffered from the neurological disorder Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

They believe that when he “died” he was actually just paralyzed and mentally aware. Basically, he was horrifically buried alive!

Alexander the Great was buried alive… accidentally.​

At age 32 when he died, Alexander the Great had conquered and created the largest land-based empire the world has ever seen. It stretched from the Balkans to Pakistan.

In 323 BC, Alexander fell ill and, after 12 days of excruciating pain, he seemingly passed away.

However, his corpse didn’t show any signs of rot or decomposition for a whole six days.

Modern-day scientists believe Alexander suffered from the neurological disorder Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

They believe that when he “died” he was actually just paralyzed and mentally aware. Basically, he was horrifically buried alive!
01dragonslayerto be fair this is only a theory, there are many theories on his death. the supposed decomposition could also be attributed to belief in the day he was a god

The world’s most successful pirate in history was a lady.​

Named Ching Shih, she was a prostitute in China. This was until the Commander of the Red Flag Fleet bought and married her.

But rather than just viewing her as a wife, her husband considered her his equal and she became an active pirate commander in the fleet.

Ching Shih soon earned the respect of her fellow pirates. So much so that after her husband’s death she became the captain of the fleet.

Under Shih’s leadership, the Red Flag Fleet consisted of over 300 warships, with a possible 1,200 more support ships. She even had a possible 40,000 – 80,000 men, women and children.
I would talk to a guy I knew from the UK and they taught them things concerning history even our own that was kept from us.

In the Ancient Olympics, athletes performed naked.​

The athletes did this to imitate the Gods, but also to help them easily clear toxins from their skin through sweating after each attempt at a sport.

In fact, the word “gymnastics” comes from the Ancient Greek words “gumnasía” (“athletic training, exercise”) and “gumnós” (“naked”).

This translates as “to train naked”.
Now days the crowd would just go to watch naked athletes train, my how times have changed, lol.

Yea I remember reading this long ago.
I knew about the Olympics and the Chinese pirate. Could you imagine they wrestled naked, I’ll pass.
I knew about the Olympics and the Chinese pirate. Could you imagine they wrestled naked, I’ll pass.
JinkoLMAO, yea don't want anyone's slong rubbing up against me, they would win automatically because I forfeit before it starts..

Now wrestling with women that is another story 🙂
LMAO, yea don't want anyone's slong rubbing up against me, they would win automatically because I forfeit before it starts..

Now wrestling with women that is another story 🙂
ThorIs that hard pass on wrestling a dude? Pun intended.
there truly is sooo much history most if not all do not know

Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times.​

Julius Caesar is probably the most iconic name associated with the Romans. Likewise, his assassination and death are also highly notorious.

Due to his coup d’état of the Roman Republic and his proclamation of himself as Dictator for Life, along with his radical political views, a group of his fellow Roman senators led by his best friend Brutus assassinated him on March 15th, 44 BC.

During the assassination, Caesar was stabbed at least 23 times, before finally succumbing to his wounds.

He passed away with fabled words to his former best friend Brutus, allegedly being “you too, sweet child?”


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The Colosseum was originally clad entirely in marble.​

When you visit or see the Colosseum these days you’ll notice how the stone exterior appears to be covered in pockmarks all across its surface.

Whilst you might assume this is just degradation of the material due to its age, it is actually because it was originally clad almost entirely in marble.

The reason for the pockmarks is, after the fall of Rome, the city was looted and pillaged by the Goths. Yes that’s right, the Goths!

They took all of the marble from the Colosseum, and stripped it (mostly) down to its bare stone setting.

The holes in the stone are from where the iron clamps and poles attaching the marble cladding to it have been ripped out.

It was named the Colosseum because it was next to a statue called the Colossus.​

It was originally known as the Amphitheatrum Flavium, or Flavian Amphitheatre, as it was constructed during the Flavian dynasty.

Residents of Rome nicknamed it the Colosseo.

This was due to the fact that it was built next to a 164-foot statue of Emperor Nero known as “the colossus of Nero”.

Rasputin survived being poisoned and being shot.​

Grigori Rasputin was a Russian mystic and supposed holy man. He became friends with the last Russian Tsar and Tsarina.

Over time, he came to influence the Russian royals much to the displeasure of many members of the Russian nobility.

This, combined with his drunkenness and lechery, led to several Russian nobles forming a plot to assassinate the man.

They invited him over to one of their houses, gave him cakes and wine laced with cyanide all to no effect, and then shot him in the chest.

Rasputin survived being poisoned and being shot.​

Grigori Rasputin was a Russian mystic and supposed holy man. He became friends with the last Russian Tsar and Tsarina.

Over time, he came to influence the Russian royals much to the displeasure of many members of the Russian nobility.

This, combined with his drunkenness and lechery, led to several Russian nobles forming a plot to assassinate the man.

They invited him over to one of their houses, gave him cakes and wine laced with cyanide all to no effect, and then shot him in the chest.
01dragonslayerTo their horror, Rasputin started to cough and they realized he was still alive!

How did they fix the problem? The nobles shot Rasputin two more times – once in the head. Finally they threw his body into the frozen Malaya Nevka River.

There were female Gladiators.​

A female gladiator was called a Gladiatrix, or Gladiatrices (plural). They were rarer than their male counterparts.

Gladiatrices served the same purpose of executing criminals, fighting each other and fighting animals in Rome’s various fighting pits.

The Vikings were the first people to discover America.​

Half a millennium before Christopher Columbus “discovered” America, Viking chief Leif Eriksson of Greenland landed on the Island of Newfoundland in the year 1,000 AD.

The Vikings under Leif Eriksson settled Newfoundland as well as discovering and settling Labrador further north in Canada.

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