HIT training, food, and dbol!! Major gains on a budget


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HIT training, food, and dbol!! Major gains on a budget
August 10, 2014 By John Doe

Yesterday I went and trained at the gym. My routine took me about 25 minutes and here is what I did; 1 set of leg extensions, 1 set of squats, 1 set of close grip pull-ups, 1 set of lateral raises, 1 set of machine shoulder press, 1 set of barbell curls, 1 set of high row machine (hammer strength machine) and 1 set of shrugs.

Now, that doesn’t look like much does it? And I’m sure many of you are wondering “Where are the warm up sets?” Easy, my warm ups are within my work set on the first few reps. My form is so strict and slow, and I’m so in tune with my body that I can get away with doing this. Therefore, there is no light or moderate sets to tax me any before my work set. I’m able to take a weight that most people would fail at just a few reps, and push that weight well into the teens and 20’s on reps!!

Your body responds to a stimuli, period. My body doesn’t say “Now wait a minute, he put me through hell with this large amount of weight, but he only gave me 1 set!!” No, it just doesn’t work that way, you expose yourself to something new and you respond, end of story.

I don’t train this way all year long, but I always revert back to this for about 6-8 week blocks. Usually by week 6 or 8 my body can’t handle anymore, and I need to back off for a while. But a good, hard couple months of training this way will yield some damn good results. I’m sure many are wondering about injury here right? You’d think I was more prone to injuring myself without those warm-ups huh? It’s actually quite the opposite, I’m less prone to injury because I’m coming back into the gym fully recovered every time.

Everyone thinks you need to do all of this crazy shit in order to grow, but sometimes it’s exactly the opposite. Giving yourself enough of a shock to grow, but allowing for adequate rest yields serious results.

But intensity is the key, you have to treat those sets like it’s your last workout ever. I may only do 8-10 sets total in a workout, but I leave everything I have on that gym floor. I’m dripping with sweat, I’m pumped up, and I’m beat up after I train. For that brief time frame, it’s a level of intensity nobody could possibly match training for 2 hours straight.

And the beauty is, I’m hitting each muscle group about 3 times a week and still making gains!! I sort of look at this like an inmate getting let out of his cage for a brief time frame, you just go nuts.

If you’re not making progress in terms of reps or increased weights or both, you’re wasting your fucking time. If you’re cutting up for a competition that is a different animal, but I’m speaking in terms of growing here.

It is my belief that this is the absolute fastest way to grow that there is when it comes to training. It actually takes more discipline to train this way than to go to the gym every single day, but mark my words if you do this you will grow rapidly!!

It’s results you’re after right? Then listen up!! I want you to pick 8-10 different exercises that cover your whole body, and train 3 times week. It’s OK to switch them up each workout too. If you did flat bench on Monday, there is nothing wrong with incline bench on Wednesday. A couple muscle groups like legs and back take a couple different exercises to cover since they’re large muscle groups, but the biceps, triceps, chest, and occasionally delts can all be stimulated perfectly fine with just 1 exercise per workout.
Now lets talk about food…

Food is getting expensive, and it’s getting hard to find any way around it. Forget about egg whites, fillet mignon, and avocados here. This is building and those foods cost way too much money for a routine like this. This article is geared towards growing, period!! Fuck getting a little soft here, fuck having perfect abs (yes, still train them!!), this is all about slapping mass on your frame!!

For foods you should be buying ground beef, pasta, whole eggs, oats, whole milk, rice, and potatoes. This isn’t anything fancy here, we want calories!!

A diet for gaining mass for most people around 150-180 lbs would be as such;

Meal 1- 5 whole eggs, 1 glass whole milk, bowl of oatmeal (the milk is for the calories and protien, don’t worry about the sugar right now)

Meal 2- 1/2 lb ground beef, cup of rice

Meal 3- large glass of whole milk, half-1 box of macaroni and cheese

Meal 4- 1/2 lb ground beef, large bowl of oatmeal, salad

Meal 5- homemade weight gain shake, made from whole milk, peanut butter, oats, 2 eggs, chocolate syrup

Fuck eating clean right now, go this route for 6 weeks!!! Your new strength will help burn more calories anyways, you won’t add much fat in just a couple months on this. Keep cardio brief, just 20 minutes a session 3 times a week!!


When it comes to steroids the cheapest one that will put on the most strength in my book is DBOL.

I’m not one of these guys that say’s you NEED TEST in every cycle. I’ve done a few dbol only cycles in the early years and had good results. My sweet spot was 35mg/day.

You should be able to get a couple hundred dbol’s for $100-$200 gym prices. Sometimes much cheaper depending on where you go.

Grab some dbol and clomid, if budget is an issue this is fine and it’ll get you by. You can easily pack on 20-30 lbs in 2 months by combining this style of training with the food and the dbol tabs.

Personally I don’t use dbol anymore for other reasons, but as a beginner I did and it got me big and strong!! Dbol will make you stupid strong, give it about 5-6 days to get in your system and you definitely know you’re on something.

If budget is an issue, and you still want to pack on some mucho muscle, follow my advice!!

Over and out!!

I just want to know how you got my old bulking cycle?
Holy Cow this goes against every ounce of OCD in my system! :O
TSizemore said:
Holy Cow this goes against every ounce of OCD in my system! :O

I hear ya brother and while I follow the "TEST IS THE BASE OF EVERY CYCLE" ideology,my beliefs have no relevance in regards to how many don't follow the same belief and how many have run dbol only cycles with success.There is no denying the fact that they WILL produce dramatic results and IMO,in short term runs, will cause no long term damage.

As with anything,its the abuse that can lead to negative health issues.Its not the "NOW" that can help or harm us,its the "LATER" that we all need to worry about but FAR TOO MANY don't.Too many only think of what they get today and not what can and many times DOES happen tomorrow.
F.I.S.T. said:

I hear ya brother and while I follow the "TEST IS THE BASE OF EVERY CYCLE" ideology,my beliefs have no relevance in regards to how many don't follow the same belief and how many have run dbol only cycles with success.There is no denying the fact that they WILL produce dramatic results and IMO,in short term runs, will cause no long term damage.

As with anything,its the abuse that can lead to negative health issues.Its not the "NOW" that can help or harm us,its the "LATER" that we all need to worry about but FAR TOO MANY don't.Too many only think of what they get today and not what can and many times DOES happen tomorrow.

Very True Indeed.....

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