How long does everyone typically run orals?


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I try to stay to 4 weeks as I've done bloods and have seen my liver enzymes really shoot up.

How about everyone else?
Do you take liver protection? NAC/Tudca are the best, I run Orals 6-8 wks as long as I have good protection in place.
4 weeks typically unless it's contest prep time then it's 8 weeks
Wacker said:
Do you take liver protection? NAC/Tudca are the best, I run Orals 6-8 wks as long as I have good protection in place.
yes and got a good deal on actual liv -52 on amazon. ITs the real deal not a fake.

last cycle I was running 50 adrol and 50 d bol, ran for about 5 weeks then had bloods,

Im just seeing what everyone else does. This cycle I was running paxtons d bol at 50mg, will only run 4 weeks
6 weeks for anadrol and dbol. 12 for anavar. 8-10 on tbol. I get bloods done and my liver values go up but there normal 2 weeks after I stop using them.
usually till the whites of my eyes turn yellow then I give my liver a few weeks break lol
Harsh 4 weeks
Var, winny, etc 8+
30-45 days. My last cycle was 45 days of dbol with a 30 day break than 45 days of winny
4 - 6 weeks. I did run proviron for 12 weeks with no apparent sides.
Depends on the oral and how I feel. Dbol Adrol no longer than 6, winny and provi up to 8. Anavar 12. also depends on the cycle I'm running.
yea, depends n the oral, anavar 8 weeks easy , anadrol 4 to 5 dbol 4 to 5 proviron all year winny 6 to 8 weeks
I don't take Dbol anymore. Adrol, Tbol 4-6 weeks...var 10-12 weeks. My liver values always are far.
Most of the mgs I see posted I've never used but I dont usually see any issues with liver kidneys values from bloodwork til week 8 and that's still not that bad. My favorite dbol dosing shedule was always 10/10/10mgs 3x days split up. Tbol 20/20/10mg every 8 hrs 10mg before bed. Winny 25/25/25mg every 8 hrs. Anadrol the one time I used it started at 50mg couple weeks sit up to 100mg with lot more size but looked puffy. Generally I always go by blood work and lower doss for longer periods I believe Are better.
Stronger stuff like drol,dbol,ive run most of the time 6 wks but have gone as long as 8 wks at times.

The milder stuff 8-10 wks at most.
Proviron all the time if I have it, dbol,drol 6 to 8 weeks and my bloods look good

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