How many reps


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You shoot for most sets?

I still use the 10 count even if I dont get it, when that weight is 2 easy to hit 10 reps it basically becomes my warm up.

Never been one for 4-6 reps, dont get me wrong I do sets of 6 and under but in my mind always shooting for 10
You shoot for most sets?

I still use the 10 count even if I dont get it, when that weight is 2 easy to hit 10 reps it basically becomes my warm up.

Never been one for 4-6 reps, dont get me wrong I do sets of 6 and under but in my mind always shooting for 10
GRIMI do 10-12 reps and my form is top notch. If my form is bad I'll use the weight that I have great form with. I dont throw around heavy weights to impress.

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I do 10-12 reps and my form is top notch. If my form is bad I'll use the weight that I have great form with. I dont throw around heavy weights to impress.

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anabol69my form isnt perfect, gimp side makes that impossible. however i use pretty light weight esp compared to when i was younger
I do a lot high rep stuff (15-25). Started that about 3 years ago. Tired of injuries, and I was getting older and needed to take better care of my body.
i vary it, but i think i'm gonna have to be like Jinko as i just have too many injuries these days. i'll usually do one day i'll try 3-5 reps, then 6-8 reps the next time i go...and now i'm gonna start doing even more reps on the 3rd day. so i do an A/B fullbody: A-power, B-power, A-hypertrophy, B-hypertrophy....and i'll be starting A-reps, B-reps now going forward. i'm seeing ditching the power days in my near future, unfortunately. they aren't all that powerful any more anyway
Same here. Besides this is no time to get injured can you imagine fucking yourself up and having to go into the ER now! How about fuck that shit!!
Im all about big muscle growth. Hepertrophy theoretically happens in that 6-12. Rep range. I only shy away from this when it comes to shoulders.abs.calves . ultimately i do this cause i love it. Like arnold said in pumping iron. " the pump its like an orgasm". Lol
I usually use 6 to 20 rep range getting all I can get out of each workout, I pyramid up to where I can only get maybe 6 reps then I drop the weight and finish things off. Sometimes I stick to an 8 to 12, depends on how I feel, things do vary some.

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