How many times a year do you run orals


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Mainly asking due to liver/organ toxicity, I know many guys will limit orals to once per year. What if someone is sticking to milder drugs like var/tbol/winny, would lower dose short cycles be sufficient to squeeze in 2 cycles per year using orals?

What is your rule of thumb when it comes to stress on the liver?
I'm horrible!!! I probably take anavar 8 months out of the year. 25-50mg ed unless getting ready for a comp then I'll go higher.
Bn running cardarine about half of that too.
But I drink zero alcohol so I feel like I'm better for that.

I'm curious to what others will say about this too!
I'm horrible!!! I probably take anavar 8 months out of the year. 25-50mg ed unless getting ready for a comp then I'll go higher.
Bn running cardarine about half of that too.
But I drink zero alcohol so I feel like I'm better for that.

I'm curious to what others will say about this too!
Was thinking that one 6-8 week anavar run and one 3-5 week winny or tbol run would not be overkill. Eh?
I don’t use orals anymore. When I did I used Dbol for about 6-7 weeks for one cycle and another cycle later that year would be anadrol 6-7 weeks. Tbol I used for about the same amount of time.
I don't really run them anymore either, maybe one cycle 8 to 10 weeks or less depending on what it is.

I never did many oral cycles from the start mainly test, npp, a little tren a couple of times, inj sdrol a couple times, never really big on to much.

Oh my big weakness was proviron and took that with most of my cycles. 🙂
usually once a year, maybe twice. anavar mostly but not always. i have a whole bunch of designers here that i have to play with. i doubt i'll ever get around to running them all. get really bad heartburn with most orals.
I'm thinking I am going to stick to rotating around anavar, winny, and tbol. As I am really trying to avoid heavy estro conversion drugs and also any that cause severe bloat/water retention. I'm more of a slow and steady, lean and dry, kind of guy.

With that said, one oral used in winter/spring and kne used in summer/fall. Anavar would be a 6 week run, tbol 4-6, winny 3-4. All minimal doses, 25mg to 50mg max on each. Ran along side test, only other potential compound would be primo.
As long as your getting blood work your fine, I bounce back and fourth from drol, and dbol and run them heavvvvvvy!! Take your gluth and your fine! No tudca and milk thistle don’t do shit, gotta use inject gluth to keep the liver in good hands!!
Same as @Roc i run orals year around.. The liver toxicity has been blown way out of proportion in my eyes and my blood work contradicts the whole liver theory.
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I should add the one oral that should be used very sparingly or not at all is methyl tren that completely wrecked my liver enzymes to the point it put me in the hospital and that was from 750mcg a day for a week. My doctor said I don’t think that’s one compound you should be playing with. Haven’t touched it since. Most doctors that iv come across don’t know anything about anabolics. If you even mention the word steroids they have a meltdown a good doctor will understand this is your lifestyle and do their part on keeping you healthy while on them.

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