How much Primo



Would a woman take? My wife wants to do a cycle of primo but I dont know how much a girl should take, and she wants to do pills not injectable.

How much primo should she take ED/EW, and how long should she run it for?

And also what mg do the caps usually come in?
DGAF said:
Would a woman take? My wife wants to do a cycle of primo but I dont know how much a girl should take, and she wants to do pills not injectable.

How much primo should she take ED/EW, and how long should she run it for?

And also what mg do the caps usually come in?
DGAFI've seen them once in 10mg. Haven't ever seen them again. (might be because I just stopped looking). I ended up just getting oil. 50-100mg per week, and I'd stay on the lower end. I've got Supergirl on Npp right now cause I went through the Primo....selfish bastard!!! She's on 25mg twice a week
Look up some of Agent Yes posts. She stated some where what she ran on cycle once with Primo. Not sure it was in oral form though. She may have to suck it up and do depot instead of oral unless you can find pharm grade in Primo. Just hope it is the real deal if you find it.
Primo is not a beginner cycle. First cycle should always be anavar only. 20-30 mg ED. Second cycle or she wants more should be more anavar when up to 50 mg ED. After that comes PRImo and it is best in a stack. 20mg anavar ED plus 20-30 mg primo ED (oral Primo ace) or 200mg per week (injectable PRI.o Enanthate)

You will want to be sure you are getting the real deal on the var and primo both of course.

I have spectromotor tested primo ace 100x10mg
Thanks. My wife has done 4 cycles of anavar only and 1 cycle of injectable winny so far. She is currently doing 40mgs of anavar ed. She wanted to do a stack with oral primo ace and anavar, I just didnt know how much of the primo she should take with the var seeing I have never done primo myself or even read too much into it until recently for her. I have a real good source for everything so I am not worried about it not being legit. 20mg var caps and 10mg primo caps are what I can get at the moment.
AgentYes said:
Primo is not a beginner cycle. First cycle should always be anavar only. 20-30 mg ED. Second cycle or she wants more should be more anavar when up to 50 mg ED. After that comes PRImo and it is best in a stack. 20mg anavar ED plus 20-30 mg primo ED (oral Primo ace) or 200mg per week (injectable PRI.o Enanthate)

You will want to be sure you are getting the real deal on the var and primo both of course.

I have spectromotor tested primo ace 100x10mg
Thanks posting this up AY!
Re: How much Primo

Happy to help. Women who have run their var only cycles up to a nice high dose and loved it will be ecstatic with their var/primo stack results.

If you're wondering which sour e has mass spectromoter printouts on their var AND PRIMO ACE ORAL - there's one 😉

Let's build an army of Glamazons shall we?

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Re: How much Primo

AgentYes said:
Happy to help. Women who have run their var only cycles up to a nice high dose and loved it will be ecstatic with their var/primo stack results.

If you're wondering which sour e has mass spectromoter printouts on their var AND PRIMO ACE ORAL - there's one 😉

Let's build an army of Glamazons shall we?
Re: How much Primo

AgentYes said:
Happy to help. Women who have run their var only cycles up to a nice high dose and loved it will be ecstatic with their var/primo stack results.

If you're wondering which sour e has mass spectromoter printouts on their var AND PRIMO ACE ORAL - there's one 😉

Let's build an army of Glamazons shall we?
AgentYescant see through all the clothes 😛

imma smart ass!
Re: How much Primo

AgentYes said:
Happy to help. Women who have run their var only cycles up to a nice high dose and loved it will be ecstatic with their var/primo stack results.

If you're wondering which sour e has mass spectromoter printouts on their var AND PRIMO ACE ORAL - there's one 😉

Let's build an army of Glamazons shall we?
Holy Moly. IF that's the results of var cycles, I'm ordering for the mrs. right now.

Great body AgentYes! Spectacular!!
Thank you for the advice and info. I got my wife all set up to start her stack of primo and var. I cant wait to see her results and her reaction to them.
DGAF said:
Thank you for the advice and info. I got my wife all set up to start her stack of primo and var. I cant wait to see her results and her reaction to them.
Exciting! Where did you find primo ace?
DGAF said:
Thanks. My wife has done 4 cycles of anavar only and 1 cycle of injectable winny so far. She is currently doing 40mgs of anavar ed. She wanted to do a stack with oral primo ace and anavar, I just didnt know how much of the primo she should take with the var seeing I have never done primo myself or even read too much into it until recently for her. I have a real good source for everything so I am not worried about it not being legit. 20mg var caps and 10mg primo caps are what I can get at the moment.
DGAFHow did you wife do with the 40mg ed? I haven't let mine go beyond 20mg yet, and she's done several cycles. Now she's on Npp and doing quite well, a little extra weight in the abdomen, but only a pound or two, and that could be from the extra calories.
She wanted to start it awhile ago but she hasnt, but now she is saying tomorrow she will start when I start my hgh.
Re: How much Primo

DGAF said:
She wanted to start it awhile ago but she hasnt, but now she is saying tomorrow she will start when I start my hgh.
Best with anavar. How exciting!

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