How's everyone's 2019 so far?

Blah tbh but trying to kick it. Seeing if these antibiotics Im on will finally get me healthy
Not too good. Same health issues. I have a CT scan planned for Tuesday and I'm nervous.
Shit Man,
I've had some of the crapiest time this new year .
I got sick, couldn't eat for a few days.
My son had an ear infection .
Had to miss time from work to watch him , now I have to get paperwork to justify me missing work.
Lost some weight, which for me is no good since I'm skinny if I don't keep up with my food , gear , and training .
My girl and I haven't seen each other since I got sick.
My glasses broke have to get new ones.
But with all this shit I'm still optimistic that this is going to be my year and I'm looking forward for change and positivity !!!
Shit Man,
I've had some of the crapiest time this new year .
I got sick, couldn't eat for a few days.
My son had an ear infection .
Had to miss time from work to watch him , now I have to get paperwork to justify me missing work.
Lost some weight, which for me is no good since I'm skinny if I don't keep up with my food , gear , and training .
My girl and I haven't seen each other since I got sick.
My glasses broke have to get new ones.
But with all this shit I'm still optimistic that this is going to be my year and I'm looking forward for change and positivity !!!
TorresLet me know if you need anything bro. Hope shit turns around for you.
Way to keep your head up Torres bro!!!
I am still going to PT and recovering from the vehicle accident but I expect to be up to speed somewhat the second half of 2019 and by 2020 filling out my 3x shirts again 🙂.
Way to keep your head up Torres bro!!!
I am still going to PT and recovering from the vehicle accident but I expect to be up to speed somewhat the second half of 2019 and by 2020 filling out my 3x shirts again 🙂.
Thorfilling up bigger shirts atm myself but not in a good way! This sickness kicked my ass finally did light workout last night
Glad you're getting a workout in even if it's light Grim and you are still pushing. After all you have been through you have my respect brother!!
shitty so far. car died and had to buy another one and take on a note that i didn't want to. went to take a licensing exam and there was a malfunction on the exam, so i closed it out, thinking i could open it up and start where i left off...nope, couldn't get back in to it. having a hell of a time getting it re-scheduled as it seems to be a system glitch and is showing me as "failing" the exam. can't get any answers from the testing company, very frustrating. i was counting on passing this exam as if i do, i get a $3k raise. so, not a good start to the year so far. although i do like my car (just wish i had saved money to but it outright)
I swear this year the " Flu " or whatever it is is kicking people's asses .
Idk if the strain is stronger or what but a lot more people are getting sicker for a lot longer .
I swear this year the " Flu " or whatever it is is kicking people's asses .
Idk if the strain is stronger or what but a lot more people are getting sicker for a lot longer .
Torresi been down with it for at least 3 months
Get This. So my eyes have been feeling weird , watering out of no where. So I go to the eye Dr yesterday and he tells me i have an infection/allergy. Another great way to start the New Year, lol
But what can I do but keep trying to be positive 😵

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