HRT can i still pin other gear?


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Im 26, tested levels @ 168 after being off for 7 wks, endo wants me to start getting HRT, got 2 more tests to do and scheduled to be all said and done by the end of oct. got my gear i was anning on starting here at the beginning if october, should i still start it or should i waitt till after i get my script, or can i pin orher gear at all while on a script, will my endo doc find out and stop my scripts? Idk what to do im freaking out
Wow bro your kinda young for full blown HRT ......but I'm not here to preach, I'm sure your doc will want to see some bloods to monitor you after you start. Find out what your testing schedule will be and work around it, just make sure you are on a cruise a few weeks before any testing takes place.
have you been diagnosed with something? I've heard of med conditions requiring HRT but if you are just off a cycle and didn't PCT then your bloods could be whacked out.

I wouldn't introduce and more gear untill you find out exactly what's wrong.
Just said that i was really low and thinks the only thing she can do for me is prescribe me some test replacement therapy. Ive already been off for 2+months and PCT'd
Cholesterol, BP, thyroid, prolactin, everything was fine except my test levels. Is 164 after 2+ months of being off and pct and still being that low of levels too long to still bounce back to normal?
I have I just planned it around when my blood work was going to be done. Usually get my blood done every 6 months
Do not start anything else until the doc gets all the bloods figured out and puts you on a permanent schedule. Usually they get set up for every 6 months and you can blast in between that timeline. Just make sure to come off in time to get everything lowered to script levels or the doc will get suspicious. I was able to use the test booster story and doc was ok the first time, second time my script was cut in half.
My plan of action now is 4 months on right after bloods and 2 months off leading up to the next visit with the doc. Haven't had any issues since running that protocol.
Vw4334 said:
Im 26, tested levels @ 168 after being off for 7 wks, endo wants me to start getting HRT, got 2 more tests to do and scheduled to be all said and done by the end of oct. got my gear i was anning on starting here at the beginning if october, should i still start it or should i waitt till after i get my script, or can i pin orher gear at all while on a script, will my endo doc find out and stop my scripts? Idk what to do im freaking out
Vw4334Relax....No Worries. Stay off all gear until ALL your blood testing is done. It will be a pain in the ass, but, get over it. Soon as your last blood test/Dr. visit, you can start any cycle you want. Generally, she may want to see you in like three months just to see how the Endogenous Test is doing. If so, run a small cycle of Short Esters (like Prop and Npp) and give yourself a solid month to clear your system. In that month, stay on your "Cruise" dose. PCT is now a thing of the past for you, unless you go and do some Monster Marathon cycle or something.

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