Huge in a Hurry Workout Program


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If you're trying to add lean muscle quickly, the huge in a hurry workout program is perfect for you! Try out this 3 day a week program to build muscle!
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration
12 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per Workout
60-75 minutes
Equipment Required
Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells
Target Gender
Workout PDF
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Workout Description
Have you gone into the gym with the goal of adding muscle only to fall short?

Did you program hop?

Did you just throw a bunch of exercises together in hopes something would work?

If you did any of these things it gets frustrating real quick. That’s why I put together the Huge in a Hurry Program.

Everything you need and nothing you don’t to add muscle in a hurry.

Huge in a Hurry Workout Overview
Muscle growth happens through three different mechanisms and a tiny bit of black magic. Tension, stress, and damage.

We’ll save the black magic portion for another day.

To increase tension on the muscle you need to add weight to the bar. More specifically 90% of your 1RM or something you can lift for 2-3 reps.

At this weight you are at your sweet spot for muscle tension. This is where the muscular recruitment is at its highest and you won’t burn yourself out by increasing the volume.

Muscular stress aka the infamous “pump” is one of the most commonly known ways to gain muscle. I think it’s safe to assume we’ve all seen that scene of Pumping Iron where Arnold talks about his feelings on the subject.

Getting there requires minimal rest periods (<60 seconds) and hitting it with 12-20+ reps per set. You’re going to want to use 70-80% of your 1RM.

The trick here is to keep the muscle under constant stress. Times like this are great to side step the full range of motion argument and implore a 1/2 rep.

Don’t go all the way down and don’t go all the way to lockout. This will ensure your muscles don’t get a rest and the blood rushing to them will give you the pump of your life.

The final mechanism is muscular damage or emphasizing the lowering phase.

The longer you can prolong the lowering phase of the movement the better. Ideally, you want to aim for 2-4 seconds. A task easier talked about than in actual practice.

Huge in a Hurry Workout Breakdown
Combining these three mechanisms along with eating 200-300 calories more than your BMR will set yourself up for adding muscle in a hurry.

The Huge in a Hurry workout is a 3 day workout so even the busiest of us can have a chance to add some muscle.

Day 1 is a muscle tension day where you lift heavy.
Day 2 is a muscle stress day where you rep it out.
Day 3 is a muscle damage day where all of the lowering phase is emphasized.
If you do these in a different order it might take away from the other. For example, emphasizing the lowering portion before lifting heavy would severely limit the weight you can lift.

Take a day in between workouts to allow for enough rest.

Day 1: Muscle Tension
Exercise Sets Reps
1. Deadlift 8 3
2. Dumbbell Bench Press 6 4
3. Dumbbell Row 6 4
4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 6 4
Day 1 Rest: 90-120 seconds

Weight: 85-90% of 1RM

Day 2: Muscle Stress
Exercise Sets Reps
1. Squat 3 12
2. Cable Fly 4 12
3. Lat Pull Down 4 12
4. Dumbbell Reverse Fly 3 15
5. Dumbbell Curls 4 12
6. Dips 4 12
Day 2 Rest: <60 seconds

Weight: 65-70% of 1RM

Day 3: Muscle Damage
Exercise Sets Reps
1. Front Squat 5 6
2. Dumbbell Incline Bench 4 6
3. Seated Cable Row 3 8
4. Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 12
5. Seated Calf Raise 3 20
6. Cable Crunch 4 15
Day 3 Rest: 60-90 seconds

Weight: 70-85% of 1RM

How to Progress with the Huge in a Hurry Workout
This program - as it’s written - is a solid program to do for about three weeks or until your body adapts. So to keep the muscle a-coming, you’ll want to use progressive overload.

After 3-4 weeks, or whenever it starts to get easy, add another set to each exercise. Keep the weight the same. Volume is a great indicator of progress.

After adding two extra sets (Week 9-12), up the weight by 10% and go back to the sets above.

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