I could use some direction


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Some of you may remember that my last test results showed my Estradiol levels being over 3,000!


I just got back my re-test and as I suspected there was an error in my lab results. My Estradiol levels are not over 3,000... in fact they are low. I'm at 5 when they should be between 7.6 - 42.6. That's an easy enough fix, but here's the big problem... My estrone serum level was 222 when it should be between 12-72.

How in the world do I lower my estrone serum and raise my Estradiol levels at the same time?

I haven't gone back to the doc to review these new tests yet because I need to be prepared with a logical approach so they don't drop my test script lower.

Any thoughts, suggestions or history in this area?
Thought I should add one more piece of info. I am HIGHLY sensitive to gyno. With my levels where they are now I do not feel the slightest hint of sides, other than being tired. No itching. No soreness in the nips. Not emotional. My morning wood is rock solid like the Sears Tower. (in age too)

I'm confused at how this can be so out of balance and I'm not seeing any sides.
Just bumping this to see if I can get some feedback before the docs appointment
i have viewed but i have no idea how to help, sorry.
Have you thought of applying a tiny dose of a compounded topical estradiol cream several times a week?

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Never heard of this kind of issue before .. sorry. .. can't help.... but I will look around and see if someone else has any answers

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anabol69 date=1478842531 said:
Have you thought of applying a tiny dose of a compounded topical estradiol cream several times a week?

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anabol69 date=1478842531I'm not sure how this would lower my estrone levels without lowering my Estradiol levels.
I know everyone on these boards knows better then doctors...Lol but I'm going to say ask the doc. there's a reason they get paid the big bucks
I read the other thread where you said the doctors are incompetent so you like them, but it might be time to see someone that specializes in trt if you can find one near you. Either an urologist or a new PCP. Your health is more important than getting a higher script written, especially when you can get test here for $30. Then just blast between follow ups.
Baited date=1478876594 said:
I read the other thread where you said the doctors are incompetent so you like them, but it might be time to see someone that specializes in trt if you can find one near you. Either an urologist or a new PCP. Your health is more important than getting a higher script written, especially when you can get test here for $30. Then just blast between follow ups.
Baited date=1478876594Plenty are incompetent but not all. My endocrinologist believes I need 1 mg of adex a day for 100 my of test a week. I found incompetent one on purpose. Lol
tkasch30 said:
Plenty are incompetent but not all. My endocrinologist believes I need 1 mg of adex a day for 100 my of test a week. I found incompetent one on purpose. Lol

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Baited date=1478876594 said:
I read the other thread where you said the doctors are incompetent so you like them, but it might be time to see someone that specializes in trt if you can find one near you. Either an urologist or a new PCP. Your health is more important than getting a higher script written, especially when you can get test here for $30. Then just blast between follow ups.
Baited date=1478876594I agree. I spent several years researching docs in my area trying to find any who understood this field. 95% would immediately dismiss any use of test as the cause for death among athletes, heart attacks in middle age men and small penises. Their answer to a low test count was diet and exercise, despite the fact that I was already on my game in this area.

The remaining docs were brand new into the field and wanted to administer test in amounts that wouldn't even make a difference. This doc I found is open to just about anything, however... going to her for advice would just be a waste of time. Keep in mind they actually thought my E levels jumped up above 3,000 and ordered me to increase my anti-e meds from half a tab every three days to a full tab every single day. With my latest results showing I was actually low on E, can you imagine the results I would have had if I listened to them?
Still... thank you all for your suggestions. I'm digging through the internet trying to find anything that addresses low E in one area and high E in another, but am coming up empty. Maybe I'm just special. 🙂
When your estradiol level corrects itself, so will your estrone level. One is low so the other is trying to make up for it.

You need to recalibrate your anti estrogen measures, because 5 is way too low.

And with a estrogen level of 5, I know you haven't been fucking your wife with a limp noodle lol bro.

How much test you running a week?
That's the part that doesn't make any sense... I have zero issues with gyno or ED. I'm ready for sex at the drop of the hat and rock hard every morning, or whenever my wife tries to pick something up or tie her shoes.

Maybe it's the 200-250mg of test-c twice a week.
Daredevil date=1479010994 said:
When your estradiol level corrects itself, so will your estrone level. One is low so the other is trying to make up for it.
Daredevil date=1479010994DD, where did you get this info? I can't find anything anywhere on the net that says one E level will adjust to make up for another E level. I'd like to be able to address this with my doc.
I'm feeling great! But I've been feeling great for a long time. The new test proved that I wasn't at 3,000 and if anything I was actually a little low on estrogen, which supports how I feel. Once again it proves to me that I need to listen to my body FAR more than I listen to most physicians. These folks just aren't used to treating healthy people or people who want to be even more than healthy.

That being said, I do like to fully understand what's happening in order to continue to improve, and more importantly... stay safe and healthy. So, I need to understand when you told me, "When your estradiol level corrects itself, so will your estrone level. One is low so the other is trying to make up for it."

Where did you get this info? I can't find anything anywhere on the net that says one E level will adjust to make up for another E level.

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