I hate people


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Whens the last time you got to throttle someone? (Not you Rock)...last job of a very smooth day, some guy next door to the customers house I was at comes out yelling and cussing at me about how he cant get his mail cuz his mail carrier is a lazy bitch... move your fucking truck ... he says.
Me: is that how you fuckin ask
Him : yeah
As he proceeds toward me says you wanna do this.. lol
Fuck yeah lets go as I throw all the shit I was carrying down and start at him he runs in the house and calls my company hahaha bitch...
What ever happened to hey bro could you move your truck so I can get my mail... easy id move the truck
Come at me like that and ima move you... fn really
Then call my company? You know that they were as nice as can be on the phone... and they all know ive got a hair trigger when approached in a threatening manner. ...
I hate fuckin people... get me fired up and run in the house
Thats worse than a bitch sucking your dick for a bit till you get ready to shoot and getting up to answer a call from her sister WTF... HAVE NICE DAY
I fuckin HATE people too !!! I'm racist to everyone !! 😉
What a chump. Yea man just say hey bro could u move your truck please? That's all. People suck that's all
ahha man.. that guy was one of those pussies that try to dish it out but can't take it..
I reckon when I drip my window I wss carrying he figures he was gonna catch a beating. ... he assumed correct lol
Keep posting in my GH thread and you're going to get your ass handed to you Paul. lmao

I do ok with the bullshit out of people's mouths anymore. Im able to laugh most of it off however, I can't handle it when driving. I drive too much for work to begin with... When I get road rage its all over lol, Ive followed people to their houses and chased them to their doors lmao, Oh I wish I could stop... One of these days Im going to get shot or arrested. Moral of my post is my company has received a few calls about me. lol Once I had traffic tied up over bringing a machine out on the highway onto the bridge I was repairing. This toothless cocksucker continues to stare at me and mumble. I make eye contact with the fuckhead and he yells something. My blood pressure starts to rise. I walk towards his vehicle and asked if there was something I could help him with. He starts yelling that my muscles don't make me a tough guy and to get out of his space. I lost it he tried to get the window up..... Dumb fuck didn't have door locked, I got him by the hair and an arm and drug him out of the vehicle and basically slammed him to the ground....... One of my employees put a choke hold on me and whispered in my ear enough, you have an audience. The state police came to investigate and 3 of my employees testified that the piece of shit exited his vehicle and charged me thank god........ I went home and talked with my wife about it and admitted I need to grow up and let this shit slide....
nothing worse than getting ready to put the boot in and then it doesnt happen! need that release!
I been dying to fucking knuckle someone for months now. Pussies always call the cops and I get arrested!
JM750 said:
I been dying to fucking knuckle someone for months now. Pussies always call the cops and I get arrested!
Thats because they get confused due to you holding your cawk as you threaten them. They literally think they're getting fucked lmao
Can't lose control like that working for a city or government job, but yeah I know what you mean. All I can do is ;D and let them vent, but on the inside I am contemplating my attack 😡 that I cannot execute.
the city owns 10 feet in from the street, so you dont have to do shit if he is bad mouthing you. best thing to do is ignore him that is your best weapon and what make people get even more upset. when they get within the two feet of you then its time to swing and knock them down for attacking you. just because a person doesnt swing at you does not mean you dont reserve the right to protect yourself when he is a threat and at a distance to attack you.
Just to add for myself. I hate how people expect a lot from me but do not give anything in return. I work so hard in something and didnt get anything out of it! :🙂
lith56bigguy said:
Keep posting in my GH thread and you're going to get your ass handed to you Paul. lmao

I do ok with the bullshit out of people's mouths anymore. Im able to laugh most of it off however, I can't handle it when driving. I drive too much for work to begin with... When I get road rage its all over lol, Ive followed people to their houses and chased them to their doors lmao, Oh I wish I could stop... One of these days Im going to get shot or arrested. Moral of my post is my company has received a few calls about me. lol Once I had traffic tied up over bringing a machine out on the highway onto the bridge I was repairing. This toothless cocksucker continues to stare at me and mumble. I make eye contact with the fuckhead and he yells something. My blood pressure starts to rise. I walk towards his vehicle and asked if there was something I could help him with. He starts yelling that my muscles don't make me a tough guy and to get out of his space. I lost it he tried to get the window up..... Dumb fuck didn't have door locked, I got him by the hair and an arm and drug him out of the vehicle and basically slammed him to the ground....... One of my employees put a choke hold on me and whispered in my ear enough, you have an audience. The state police came to investigate and 3 of my employees testified that the piece of shit exited his vehicle and charged me thank god........ I went home and talked with my wife about it and admitted I need to grow up and let this shit slide....
lith56bigguygoing there now my friend
Paulrockr said:
I think it's your choice of music I have the same problem lol
Maybe. I get a lot of looks when I roll down the street listening to something like this full blast. If they can understand the words they hate it even more. This is the type of music I like to listen to while working out.


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