I have the testosterone level of a 90 year old man....


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
That's what the Doc told me today, so years of using AAS has definitely taken its toll on me. My test level came back at 179, that was without trying to intentionally crash it. I have been off a little over two months now. Just something for the younger guys to think about...I don't preach but I honestly would not change anything I've done.

The good news is I now have a script for 200 mlgs test Cyp per week and get my levels checked in 8 weeks, a 10 ml bottle of test with pins cost me a mere $11.78 with my insurance picking up the rest.

I'm gonna play a little for the next month but I want to get through my next round of bloods then it's game on!
I wish my doc would give me the scirpt so i could do injections at home... i have to go buy every friday..they treat it like it's heroine
krustus said:
I wish my doc would give me the scirpt so i could do injections at home... i have to go buy every friday..they treat it like it's heroine
Yeah that must suck, I had to inject myself with a nurse supervising me in exam rm to show I could self administer. The key is to find a Doc that will let you pin at home, my buddy who happens to be a nurse pointed me in the right direction so I owe him one for sure.
I told mine, I was gonna have the nurse at my wifes work give me my shots, since she was 5 minutes away. When I went for the first shot though, they asked if I was gonna leave the gear with them or self administer.........duh!!!
Congratulations on the script I dont plan on ever coming off test eventually I will need a script myself.
I will never need a script as long as there is good UG test going around. But good for you FF. Pretty sure they would be trying to give me that under arm bullshit test.

Don't beat yourself up man. I have a script for about a year now. Now my doc was no questions asked here ya go.... Self administer etc. pres plan don't cover much its still way cheaper to go UGL but I keep it updated to keep it active and refilled every now and then. I don't plan on going off. I pct'ed some time ago and just hated it. Found out my levels are on the lower end anyway. The wife loves me on test. Says my attitude in general and Im a great person to be around. It mellows me out bro
JM750 said:
I will never need a script as long as there is good UG test going around. But good for you FF. Pretty sure they would be trying to give me that under arm bullshit test.
The injections are the least expensive method so the insurance co. benefits I told the doc that I have young kids so the gels were out, I'm supposed to take 200 mgs every two weeks but the way he wrote the script I get 200 mgs per week. I'll taper off when I'm due for bloods in eight weeks.
Good going brother!! Thats the way to do it, keep it legal lol.
mine was barely over this and doc refused TRT, yet I was on it before :/
Must be levels of 85 year old 'like T' 😉
Last time id one of those pct thingies my test was at 500 it was ok but I dont want average test levels 🙂

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