I'm doing everything right but getting NO gains



I'd like to touch on a sensitive subject for many guys...the fact that some are taking thousands of dollars in gear/working their ass off in gym/eating eating eating...BUT not getting any gains.
Their are guys here with WAY more knowledge than me, I'm not gonna pretend I have the answers for everyone. I would encourage anyone who is "stuck" not getting gains or not losing fat to start a thread, list your stats, training routine and give at least one or two days complete meal plan...so that maybe someone here can find the error and develop a better plan so you can start making gains with your gear.
I do realize that your daily activity,(job) schedule plays a huge role in what you can do. So it's important if you have a hectic daily routine list up what your day consist of also. There is always gonna be ways to adapt to fit a busy schedule to get the rights stuff done so your not wasting time and money and getting nothing in return other than a bad attitude.
On other forums before they will offer cycle advice they insist you list diet and training, that may not be right for EG but I do think we should be lending a helping hand to those who are stuck and need help.
Oh, I thought you were going to say buy sex toys and you're guaranteed to make gains. ;D
I guess this is in response to the convo we were having in the chat box yesterday......good idea!
Great thread I hope people use this there are a lot of knowledgable people who have been through this.
I like this thread. It can be very frustrating when we think we're doing everything right and not making gains.
Like you said blue if someone needs help they need to lay out some key factors. (Ej Diet, life style changes, sleeping habits, work type, training and cardio frequency/duration.)

I'm going to give an example from my recent personal experience to kick things off.
I'm still in my bulking season but recently I have been losing weight instead of gaining.
I went from almost 220lbs to about 211lbs in the last month. I have about 6-8 cheat meals per week and the rest of my meals aren't necessarily the cleanest but are home cooked.
What changes have occurred??
1. Job schedule got a lot more hectic, doing a lot more physical labor and alot of walking. 2. I'm taking HGH 3ius/day just bumped it up to 4iu also taking Slin novolinR 10ius preWO
3. Sleep schedule has changed
4. Long workouts wear me out and I have little energy left for work which means me exhausted the next morning and forces me to skip workout.
5. Eating timing are not consistent even though I try to pack on more calories.

My current cycle is 800mg test and 500mg deca per week. This is the highest dose of test I've ever taken and I know the gear is good.

Changes integrated going forward.
1. Increase Calories. Mainly carbs and fat
2. Shorter workouts. Making it to the gym at least 3 or 4 days per week is my priority. I need to get my consistency.
3. Getting my meals in on time even if the world is coming to an end. (This is the hard one)
4. Adjusting to my new am workout. (It takes me a while to adjust to morning workouts)

Ok I guess this is where I shut up and get some back from others.
Hey Shredz, are you wanting us to help evaluate or was this just an example and you have everything worked out. Reason I'm asking is cause It would make a good New Thread so we can keep all the info you need directed at you. If you want, Just copy and paste this post in a new thread brother. Thanks for sharing your situation. I really consider you one of the best competitors here and It's always good to get your perspective and your input.

AS far as what I see in your situation, I think you have a good handle on what is causing the extra calorie expenditure and we all know stress is detrimental to BodyBuilding. Morning workouts are tough, Have you increased pre workout carbs or even tried getting some early AM carbs in like 2AM. I usually gotta pee all through the night so, 2AM hit the poptarts and then you're that much ahead when you wake up. Most guys drop the caffeine and stims in bulk too, but these might be useful in your situation. hGH is gonna make you sleepy, especially toward the end of the day.
RockShawn said:
Hey Shredz, are you wanting us to help evaluate or was this just an example and you have everything worked out. Reason I'm asking is cause It would make a good New Thread so we can keep all the info you need directed at you. If you want, Just copy and paste this post in a new thread brother. Thanks for sharing your situation. I really consider you one of the best competitors here and It's always good to get your perspective and your input.
Thanks RS. I can post a new thread bro.
This was actually for both bro. I'm sharing my situation and examples but I'm also looking for some feed back on something I'm missing or should do different.
jshredz said:
Thanks RS. I can post a new thread bro.
This was actually for both bro. I'm sharing my situation and examples but I'm also looking for some feed back on something I'm missing or should do different.
I edited with some of my .02 LOL
I'm not getting home until midnight or later on most nights. Waking up between 7:30~8am and eat oatmeal and eggs when I wake. Take my preworkout about an hour later with some Karbokyn (I need the caffeine kick). I'm also drinking about 150 grams of carbs with BCAA intra workout. Followed by a carb protein meal (shake or solid depending on time restrictions) flowed by another meal 1 to 1.5 hrs later. I try to eat at least every 3.5 hrs after that. Every meal has carb, protein and fat.
Yes I notice the Gh has made me a little lazy.
This is a good thread. There are days that I look at myself and say wow! I'm making good gains. And then there are days I feel like I'm not going anywhere... More of a mind game I guess for me.
jshredz said:
I'm not getting home until midnight or later on most nights. Waking up between 7:30~8am and eat oatmeal and eggs when I wake. Take my preworkout about an hour later with some Karbokyn (I need the caffeine kick). I'm also drinking about 150 grams of carbs with BCAA intra workout. Followed by a carb protein meal (shake or solid depending on time restrictions) flowed by another meal 1 to 1.5 hrs later. I try to eat at least every 3.5 hrs after that. Every meal has carb, protein and fat.
Yes I notice the Gh has made me a little lazy.
Man I would have to think you are just getting leaner or letting water weight go then. There is nothing I see that would be muscle wasting. Liver support and thyroid are variables also. Are you using t4 with the hGH? Do you take BCAA's any other time besides workout? Especially Luecine.
JM750 said:
This is a good thread. There are days that I look at myself and say wow! I'm making good gains. And then there are days I feel like I'm not going anywhere... More of a mind game I guess for me.
I'm having one of those weeks now! Between work, the surgery with my wife which went great, the kids, just feel like I got my ass kicked and got nothing for it. Scale says I'm holding 193 but doesn't feel like it...it's amazing just how much little life changes affect the way I eat and train and more important what I see in the mirror.
i feel like it is normal to have peaks and valleys, and that sometimes it's necessary to take a step back in order to move forward.

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