Injectable, non 17aa methylated winstrol, would you use it?


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simple question.

stanozolol thp ether is winstrol, but instead of having the 17a alkylation, it instead has a thp ether group


this now illegal full blown 3-ketone steroid was previously sold discuised as a pro hormone. it sucks taken orally (no pun intended) d/t having no 17aa methylation (as with winstrol) and was needed to be dosed in the 300-500mg range to allow some compound to survive the stomach acids, and first pass metabolism.

winstrol is such a good compound in my opinion d/t having been shown to be able to bind with progestin receptors (in the hands), but not have any signal interaction with them. (as all androgens, d/t the close similarities in structures with progestins, are able to bind with and possibly interact with the progestin recptor.

in a sense, blocking the progestin receptor (in a similar way a serm blocks the estrogen receptor). this is most likely what also causes one to become so dry while using the compound.

any ways, this helps out dramatically when using aromatizable compounds, or nor androgens such as trenbolone, dienolone, norbolethone, nor testosterone, etc.

so, if you could have the hardening effects of winstrol, and able to run the compound without worry of hepatotoxicity, would you?
interesting thanks for the insight. Just one thing (im a little anal retentive) SERMS block the estrogen receptors in some tissue but actually activate the receptor in other tissues (ie antagonist with respect to the hypothalamus but agonist in bone tissue and the liver)
I think if I was going to skip whinny because of toxicity I would go to Furuza(5a-androstanol[2,3]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol similar result kind of like the little non methylated brother. But would still need to be ran at 400-600 mg a day.
morrey said:
interesting thanks for the insight. Just one thing (im a little anal retentive) SERMS block the estrogen receptors in some tissue but actually activate the receptor in other tissues (ie antagonist with respect to the hypothalamus but agonist in bone tissue and the liver)
not sure, as the study referenced only showed in the hands, and the possibility of using it to prevent prolactin related side effects.

winstrol is still an approved drug to be used for medical purposes here in the us.

but anecdotally, aas users have reported over the years that winni be stacked with tren to mitigate negative sides.

I have also experimented myself using prostanozolol thp ether, combined with pro dienolone to see how it helpe with sides.

running pro dienolone (tren ph's now banned) without winni or pstanz, at about 100 plus mg's and gyno symptoms come quick, but with 300mg (orally) none of these sides were experienced.

which had led me to always recommend winni or pstanz to be ran with cycles containing nor androgens. an so far, no one has complained about that advice after taking it.
Wacker said:
I think if I was going to skip whinny because of toxicity I would go to Furuza(5a-androstanol[2,3]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol similar result kind of like the little non methylated brother. But would still need to be ran at 400-600 mg a day.
400-600mg would be a good solo dosage orally. but 50-100mg via injection is better.

fura thp ether and furazabol (the 17a methylated version) are both more potent mg for mg than winni an pstanz.

but pure raws are difficult, and expensive to come by of this compound.

orally, 300-400mg works, but is a waste of money when one could just run 50mg of winstrol for much, much cheaper.

which is why I was referring to injection, d/t there being no loss of steroid via the stomach acids, or first pass metabolism.

dosages would tend to be effective in the 50-100mg range, and the compound could be ran for an indeffinate amount of time (say, a 20 week deca cycle) without worry of hepatotoxicity, and the cost would still be less expensive.

taking fura thp ether or stanozolol thp ether orally, is a real waste of $ if you have access to winstrol, and other similar non methylated, dry compounds.

furazabol is a very hard to find compound.
jbryand101b said:
400-600mg would be a good solo dosage orally. but 50-100mg via injection is better.

fura thp ether and furazabol (the 17a methylated version) are both more potent mg for mg than winni an pstanz.

but pure raws are difficult, and expensive to come by of this compound.

orally, 300-400mg works, but is a waste of money when one could just run 50mg of winstrol for much, much cheaper.

which is why I was referring to injection, d/t there being no loss of steroid via the stomach acids, or first pass metabolism.

dosages would tend to be effective in the 50-100mg range, and the compound could be ran for an indeffinate amount of time (say, a 20 week deca cycle) without worry of hepatotoxicity, and the cost would still be less expensive.

taking fura thp ether or stanozolol thp ether orally, is a real waste of $ if you have access to winstrol, and other similar non methylated, dry compounds.

furazabol is a very hard to find compound.
See your point but if you don't like ed injections and for some reason wanted to go the legal route oral fura is a good option. I think LGI and xtreme sports nutrition both have it in stock on a pretty regular basis.
Wacker said:
See your point but if you don't like ed injections and for some reason wanted to go the legal route oral fura is a good option. I think LGI and xtreme sports nutrition both have it in stock on a pretty regular basis.
I think you are confusing furazadrol with furazaBol. furazaBol is the 17aa methylated analog, and illegal. and very hard to find.

furazadrol is the fura thp ether compound, originally brought to the market by gaspari, later copied by axis labs an sold as furazadrol.

LGI does have it, and according to Gregg (owner) his raws are supposed to be as pure as you can find (though the proof hasn't been shown via 3rd party testing)

not sure about xtreme sports, never used anything from them.

but what you are saying is true.

fura is something I would discuss in the ph section though, as it's still legal, and sold disguised as a pro hormone, even though it is a full blown active steroid.

the topic in this thread, is geared towards those who use illegal aas, as well as injectable aas.
real men shave their head!
jbryand101b said:
I see, so do you run any other highly androgenic compounds, such as say trenbolone, or masteron?
Recently jumped back on some tren-ace after not running any for 2 years and oddly not having any issues at a low dose. So tren at a low to moderate dose is oddly safe for me, but mast, that's a different story. The DHT from it I swear made me shed even facial hair stubble.
goodfella said:
Recently jumped back on some tren-ace after not running any for 2 years and oddly not having any issues at a low dose. So tren at a low to moderate dose is oddly safe for me, but mast, that's a different story. The DHT from it I swear made me shed even facial hair stubble.
Dang, that sucks.

Well, I wish it would come into the ugl market.
I was under the impression that 17AA'ing a hormone molecule drastically changed its effects? The popular example being Boldenone, add a 17AA group and you have dbol, very different animals. Add a 17aa to masteron, and you have superdrol, also very different. Wouldn't this mean removing the 17AA from winstrol would leave you with a very different hormone? It may coincidentally have similar effects to winstrol, but I would argue that it is no longer winstrol at ALL! Winstrol being 17AA stanozolol, this would be a different compound albeit possibly with similar effects?
Digitalpharma said:
I was under the impression that 17AA'ing a hormone molecule drastically changed its effects? The popular example being Boldenone, add a 17AA group and you have dbol, very different animals. Add a 17aa to masteron, and you have superdrol, also very different. Wouldn't this mean removing the 17AA from winstrol would leave you with a very different hormone? It may coincidentally have similar effects to winstrol, but I would argue that it is no longer winstrol at ALL! Winstrol being 17AA stanozolol, this would be a different compound albeit possibly with similar effects?
yes, you are correct. in most cases, adding a 17aa changes the compound.

removal of the 17 alpha alkylation, and substituting it for thp ether group it seems keeps the compound's properties pretty similar, but mg for mg, the 17aa is much more resistant to hepatic break down, and thus, more potent.

you could say it's a different compound, or you could say instead of 17 alpha alkylation, it has a 17 thp ether group.

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