Input on next cycle


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Im now on my third cycle and looking to put on some good quality muscle size.
I am sitting at about 200 and trying to get up to 220 staying as lean as possible.
This is what my cycle is going to look like will be running for 16 weeks

Test E-500 weekly tapering up to 750
equipoise-300 a week, taper up

anadrol50-50 ed for the week1,100ed for the week2,150ed for tw3,200 ed for week4
kick start my cycle
and nolva

I want to throw Tren A on there but not to familiar with it yet

Looking for opinions or thoughts on what I can add remove
Its not a complicated cycle just trying to keep it as simple as possible
Test ok. But eq 600 is the least I'd do.
Abombs are way too high of a dose. 100 is absolute highest I'd go. If quality is good 50 mgs will blow you up with correct diet. Run eq whole 16 weeks as its a very long Ester and takes many weeks too start to accumulate.
I'd do the Adex if needed for estrogen. But no nolva. Use that for pct. save the Tren for a later cycle. I personally can't take abombs.
If I do my blood pressure, acid rdflux and lethargy hit fast. So me personally I'd go with Dbol. Test e or c. And deca.
I'd use Tren and eq for a different cycle. But everyone reacts differently and has different opinions.
Also no idea how old , tall or type of goals you have and your training style. Or diet.
With absolute correct diet and training 500 mgs of quality test will blow you up. Only 3 cycles deep. Do yourself a favor get all you clomid and nolva before you start your cycle so you can do a correct pct and I'd recommend some hcg as well. Along with liver support while on Orals and a gallon a day of water. .
ive done low eq with great results
Thanks for the quick reply
Im 5'9 200 pounds Age23
My goal is to compete possible before the year ends

My current off cycle diet is
meal 1:10 egg whites in the morning with a cup of oats
meals 2: 8oz of chicken with half a cup of brown rice
meal 3: Ground beef with veggies
post workout shake
meal 4: 8 oz of chicken with a cup of brown rice
meal 5:10 egg whites and almond butter

I have never tried anadrol50 first time
but i do know that I tend to hold alot of water
when it comes to certain orals

I do have my pct on check and ready to go
clomid at 50,50,50,50 and nolva at 40,40,20,20
I've never ran hcg i am looking in to it but not sure how much to dose it at

thanks again
Bighekt said:
Thanks for the quick reply

I have never tried anadrol50 first time
but i do know that I tend to hold alot of water
when it comes to certain orals
Since its you're first time i'd run the Abombs at 25mg a day for a week or week and a half and see how you react to it seriously. The first time I ran it I also ran it high like in your OP and man was it a HUGE mistake. I quickly dropped it down to just 50 and I could barely make it. Lethargy was insane I was like a zombie even had people comment that. I'm one for bad acid reflux yet Anadrol is the only oral yet to not give it to me idk why that is. I had hella strength gains and put on a decent amount of weight like 8 lbs in 5 weeks. If it wasn't for the horrible lethargy i'd run it again.


Start low with the Adrol and assess tolerance I see bro's having lethargy issues more than not. Oh and prolactin is a def issue as well might wanna grab something to help with that.
JuicedVenom said:
Test ok. But eq 600 is the least I'd do.
Abombs are way too high of a dose. 100 is absolute highest I'd go. If quality is good 50 mgs will blow you up with correct diet. Run eq whole 16 weeks as its a very long Ester and takes many weeks too start to accumulate.
I'd do the Adex if needed for estrogen. But no nolva. Use that for pct. save the Tren for a later cycle. I personally can't take abombs.
If I do my blood pressure, acid rdflux and lethargy hit fast. So me personally I'd go with Dbol. Test e or c. And deca.
I'd use Tren and eq for a different cycle. But everyone reacts differently and has different opinions.
Also no idea how old , tall or type of goals you have and your training style. Or diet.
With absolute correct diet and training 500 mgs of quality test will blow you up. Only 3 cycles deep. Do yourself a favor get all you clomid and nolva before you start your cycle so you can do a correct pct and I'd recommend some hcg as well. Along with liver support while on Orals and a gallon a day of water. .

I was going to say ad Deca and suggest a lower Drol dose but you said it better than me bro. Great answer JV!!
A-bombs way to high. 50 - 100 mg per day max. EQ at 400mg is the bare minimum. 600 is a better dose and keep your test where it is.
All right ill keep my eq dose a bit hire for sure
and drop down the anadrol

thanks for all the great input
Idk what happened to my post, but, it pretty much said the same thing. Raise the Eq and lower the A-bomb. (just didn't want to type it out all over again)

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