Is hgh worth it at 30?


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
ima be 30 this year and been thinking about doing hgh but not sure if it’s worth it or not so I’m wondering if some of you vets can kinda guide me on the right path 🙂
Hell ya it’s worth it that’s when ur natural hgh starts to decline. I’m 31 and notice night and day difference using it. Got to have patience and be in it for the long run though
Exactly what i was gonna say. The best results I've seen i ran 9 kits at 5iu's a day . I was even running a bulking cycle and staying lean without diet concerns
Wow hell yeah so Someone told me 2iu Monday Wednesday and Friday
The least i would do is 2-3 iu's m-f and weekends off. I blasted 5ius a day 7 days a week but that was a once in a lifetime go at it
I would do 3-4 if your using generic hgh.
Jins are faked a lot assuming u got real deal I’d still run 3-4 buddy next time go with dreambuilder. Love his kits.
Jins are faked a lot assuming u got real deal I’d still run 3-4 buddy next time go with dreambuilder. Love his kits.
EmanWho’s dream builder
the HGH vendor on here (DBHGH)
Late to the party. I started lifting at 30 and now 15 years later I am still making gains thanks to hgh. I can't afford it all the time, but if you can afford it than use it even if it's just 2iu a day. Serious gains start around 10ius Ed, but a little is still worth it for more than just the muscle gains. It helps keep you lean with extra Cal's, helps with skin, hair, tendons etc...

And as we age it's more and more important.

Yes and No depending on who you ask..

It comes down to budget and goals.

Younger guys won't benefit from low doses unless they are deficient but I think we can all agree that 4ius/day will be a dose where you can start to see some benefits.

Other factor to consider is length of cycle. Hgh is one of those things where longer is better.
After you've ran it a few months I would also recommend to monitor your blood sugar.
Yes and No depending on who you ask..

It comes down to budget and goals.

Younger guys won't benefit from low doses unless they are deficient but I think we can all agree that 4ius/day will be a dose where you can start to see some benefits.

Other factor to consider is length of cycle. Hgh is one of those things where longer is better.
After you've ran it a few months I would also recommend to monitor your blood sugar.
jshredzThank you

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