Is This True Or Just BS ???


Jacked Immortal
EG Auction Sniper
EG Freak
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I heard that u can tell a potency of the AAS ur takin by the sides they produce ???
If ur on a certain type of AAS and let's say u developed signs of gyno , it's supposed to be good shit !!!
I say no way that's possible, I say it depends on how that persons body takes to gear !
Also heard , and this is by SUPER noobs, that if the gear doesn't hurt or cause soreness where u pin, that the potency is minimal.
I DEF know that's BS as u don't have to hurt to have good gear, " Heisenberg " 😉
But just wanted to throw this out there and see if ya have heard similar things and ur thoughts about it !!!
Very much bs on both bro! Just newbie trash info. And just an FYI even with strong gear if you cycle was thought through sides wouldn't be an issue either was. I.e a comparable A.I for the compounds rand and a smart dosage of each. As far as gear being painful, that is totally up to the brew and chemist. I have ran garbage gear that hurt like hell and spot on mg gear that was smooth as silk(digital pharma) the pain or lack of is no indication of potency.
All total bullshit. Lol if I don't get gyno on cycle must be bunk. Sides are very user dependent and in most cases means something needs to be adjusted in the cycle. AI dosage, reduction of amount used etc... etc...
Everyones body is different and you may react differently to gear than someone else so you cant say that because something happened to one person that it will happen to another therefore you cant tell potency of gear by the sides they produce in any individual, that's why when studies are done it is done on a group of people to get an overall average and not specific to just one person.
I got told by a friend his juice was bad because...
1. It didn't hurt
2. He was losing weight

Pretty sure you would gain weight regardless what you were on or not on anything if you're not a pussy and you eat, and pretty sure my gear doesn't hurt and I make some pretty good fucking gains!! Some people want to blame everyone and everything for being a pussy
NextGen Freak said:
I got told by a friend his juice was bad because...
1. It didn't hurt
2. He was losing weight

Pretty sure you would gain weight regardless what you were on or not on anything if you're not a pussy and you eat, and pretty sure my gear doesn't hurt and I make some pretty good fucking gains!! Some people want to blame everyone and everything for being a pussy
NextGen Freakbump^^^^^^^
Total bs.. Shitty can cause worst side effects IMO..
And dirty gear can you give you a lot more than some nice pip. That doesn't make or potent gear.
Come on cheese you know these answers!! If you need your gear to hurt just jab your pin in your ass about 5-6 times real hard. I assure it will hurt tomorrow. .

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