Judge overturns NYC law requiring forced vaccination of toddlers


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Judge overturns NYC law requiring forced vaccination of toddlers with useless flu shots
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

(NaturalNews) During the Holocaust, defenseless Jews were herded and rounded up. Their bodies became the property of the Nazis, and medical experiments were carried out on their bodies. At camp Buchenwald, Jews were turned into test rats for new vaccines. Organized medical authorities exposed Jews to viruses and forcibly inoculated them with vaccines for yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and paratyphus A and B. As the medical establishment tried out the effectiveness of their "medicines" on the Jewish prisoners, damages and lost lives became routine.

In America today, families are pressured and coerced into complying with vaccine laws. Before children are rounded up to attend institutionalized schools, they are forcibly inoculated with various vaccines. By organized force, pharmaceutical companies try out their vaccines on America's defenseless children. Each year, pharmaceutical companies manufacture a new flu shot by guessing which strain of influenza every single person may come into contact with. This yearly, one-size-fits all medical experiment doesn't work; for example, the 2015-2016 flu vaccine has so far turned out to be 18 percent effective in adults, and only 15 percent effective in children. The year prior, the CDC admitted the shot was useless.

The uselessness and unpredictability of the flu vaccine hasn't stopped the NYC Board of Health and mayor Bloomberg from mandating this yearly medical experiment on children.

After the Allied Powers won World War 2, Nazi medical experimenters were tried and convicted for their heinous crimes against the Jews. As a result, world leaders set up a new universal code of medical ethics called the Nuremburg Code which established the importance of voluntary consent.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Today, the medical experimentation is allowed to continue in a softer, more covert form, but this forceful experimentation is still damaging and deadly, nonetheless. In fact, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (a special non-Jury payout court created by Congress in 1988), has allotted nearly 3 billion in payouts to vaccine-damaged children and families since its inception. In 2014 alone, the court paid off 365 vaccine-injured families, compensating families $202 million in vaccine damages. The pharmaceutical companies on the other hand, are not held liable. In fact, this payoff scheme allows them to continue their abuse throughout the country and the world.
For those who believe that giving flu vaccines is not medical experimentation, consider this:

The vaccine insert for GlaxoSmithKline's FluLaval vaccine clearly states that, "there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL."

The insert, which is rarely read by doctors and patients, also reveals, "Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children." The insert admits further, "FLULAVAL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility."

Still believe in vaccine force and experimentation?

The vaccine insert admits, "In addition to reports in clinical trials, the following adverse events have been identified during postapproval use of FLULAVAL."

The list includes:

• vomiting
• chest pain
• allergic edema of the mouth
• anaphylaxis
• laryngitis
• cellulitis
• muscle weakness
• arthritis
• dizziness
• paresthesia
• tremor
• somnolence
• Guillian-Barre syndrome
• convulsions/seizures
• facial or cranial nerve paralysis
• encephalopathy
• limb paralysis
• insomnia
• dyspnea
• sweating

NY Judge STOPS flu shot force, medical experimentation and exploitation of children

Thanks to a New York judge with a conscience, and five mothers willing to stand up to the state, yearly forced flu vaccine experimentation WILL NOT be taking place on children in the state of New York. This is a big win for human rights. His honor, Judge Manuel J. Mendez, J.S.C., OVERTURNED Mayor Bloomberg's flu vaccine requirement for all children (between 6 months and 6 years) attending day care centers, preschools and Head Start Programs, regulated by NYC. Judge Mendez wrote that "the New York City Charter contains no suggestion that the Board of Health has the authority to create laws."

Who do the NYC Board of Health and mayor Bloomberg think they are? Perhaps they resemble the Nazi medical authorities who forcibly experimented on the bodies of Jews. And those sadistic medical authorities were ultimately tried and convicted for their crimes.

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