Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work


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Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/16/2015

When it comes to the contents of the TPP, the most important law of Obama's second term, merely leaking its contents to the press can have result in imprisonment or treason charges, which, considering recent revelations that a substantial portion of the bill was drafted by and for the express benefit of pharmaceutical companies, was to be expected: when the US population learns that their elected legislators not only don't read the laws they "pass", but are merely bribed figureheads that don't even write them, the resultant collapse of the "democratic" process would be unpleasant.

And yet, other laws such as S.1315, are perfectly transparent and open. So, with nobody in Congress drafting the TPP (and apparently not even able to pass it, despite corporate backers' demands), here is a vivid example of the US government, hard at work.

presenting: S. 1315, Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2015

S. 1315 would allow people to possess knives in states where they are illegal if the person is travelling to and from states where the knife is legal, if the knife is secured, or if the knife is a safety blade designed for cutting seatbelts. Based on information provided by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, CBO estimates that implementing S. 1315 would have no effect on the federal budget. Because enacting S. 1315 would not affect direct spending or revenues, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply.

S. 1315 would impose an intergovernmental mandate as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) by preempting some state and local laws related to possessing and transporting knives. Laws regulating knives vary from state to state. The costs for state and local governments to comply with that mandate would include the cost to change protocols and train law enforcement officers. CBO estimates the total costs for state and local governments would be small and would not exceed the threshold established in UMRA ($77 million in 2015, adjusted annually for inflation).

Yes, it would cost US taxpayers $77 million to "protect" knife owners, and yes if you own a knife, you too may be considered a threat.
Hogslayer said:
Yep we the people have been sold up the river and we have no paddle

Sad but true.The problem is WE the people are allowing it my brother.Time for more to speak up and out against shit like this.
I don't even want to read this shit. It's sickening. Let them. Come for mine. I really think that would put me over the edge. Wtf is wrong with this country????
lith56bigguy said:
I don't even want to read this shit. It's sickening. Let them. Come for mine. I really think that would put me over the edge. Wtf is wrong with this country????

The problem is those who fought and died to build the country have been replaced by those whom use its loopholes to leech off of those who have given so much to give everyone the freedoms they have,and so easily disregarded once home.Its leaders are those that care only for THEIR agenda of getting richer than that of building a better NATION as a whole.Its hard working citizens that are the back bone of the nation and should reap the benefits of such have been replaced by lazy fucking fools that would rather sit on their asses collecting money from the hard workers and listen to the rich thieves that want everyone who is not in their class to remain fighting over bullshit like whats politically correct to say and what piece of shit criminal is getting to roughed up by cops because of their color!! Not because their ;piece of shit crimina[size=12pt]ls!!

Thats just a summary of whats wrong with this country brother.I can tell you one thing,this is not the country I fought for!! [/size]

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