Less sides with Tren E?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I have alway been scared from people's horror stories with Tren E. This is my first run with Tren E and I am now done with week four. I have been running it at 400mgs. The first couple weeks aggression was up. Now sides are all but non existent. Strength is way up. I'm holding muscle while in a decent calorie deficit. Started the cut at 195 currently sitting at 187. Most my lifts are up 5-10 pounds. I'm not getting that fast hard body change I do with Tren A but I'm not a complete train wreak emotionally and physically like I would be by now with A. This last week for one pin I took it the up to 600mgs and will be doing so for the rest of the cycle.

Anyone else have much better luck with Tren E as opposed to Tren A in regards to sides. I was previously running pax and now I'm on Vires Venom blend. Thanks guys.
LittleTom said:
I have alway been scared from people's horror stories with Tren E. This is my first run with Tren E and I am now done with week four. I have been running it at 400mgs. The first couple weeks aggression was up. Now sides are all but non existent. Strength is way up. I'm holding muscle while in a decent calorie deficit. Started the cut at 195 currently sitting at 187. Most my lifts are up 5-10 pounds. I'm not getting that fast hard body change I do with Tren A but I'm not a complete train wreak emotionally and physically like I would be by now with A. This last week for one pin I took it the up to 600mgs and will be doing so for the rest of the cycle.

Anyone else have much better luck with Tren E as opposed to Tren A in regards to sides. I was previously running pax and now I'm on Vires Venom blend. Thanks guys.
I agree however I did several runs with A to dial in what I could handle before running E again. I have like no sides either
lith56bigguy said:
I agree however I did several runs with A to dial in what I could handle before running E again. I have like no sides either

I have done about three runs with A. By the end of four weeks the insomnia, night sweats, and mood swings made me want to hang it up. Seven weeks was all I could handle and it was pure misery.
I heard proviran is great with tren to keep anger and depression down
I was taking Tren A at 350mG a week and I was experiencing night sweats, insomnia and occasional aggression. What bothered me the most was I felt my heart was always pounding out my chest. I can't deal with that one side effect, made it too hard on me. Also was always short of breath walking up steps.
The sides of tren get less for me every time I use it rather it's tren a or e. That whole high test, low test makes no difference to me. First cycle of tren sides were bad, 2nd weren't so bad, third cycle hard any. And 400 of tren e is pretty,low
Do you guys that run Ace over E inject ED or EOD? I found that injecting Ace ED with a slin pin and only running 350-400mg a week keeps my sides pretty low. I get all the strength gains and leanness I can ask for at that dose without the sides kicking my ass. I just have a hard time falling asleep but that's about it. No night sweats, mood swings, etc.

I'll never run Tren E again after one bad experience on my second cycle. It was from a shitty loval UGL in my area with a bad rep, but I broke out in the most disgusting, cystic acne that I've ever gotten in my life. Scarring still visible after over 3 years of being off it.
tkasch30 said:
The sides of tren get less for me every time I use it rather it's tren a or e. That whole high test, low test makes no difference to me. First cycle of tren sides were bad, 2nd weren't so bad, third cycle hard any. And 400 of tren e is pretty,low

Agreed tren with me was less Mg I did the less side effects I got. Then once my body got used to it I was able blast jokers tren e 400mg it was some fire ass shit. If u can deal with the side effects of tren you'll look like a Greek god stacked with a few other things. I'm a tren junkie till I die u no that yourself tasck30
Well I love tren. Always have always will. Only really have sides when I'm at extreme calorie deficit and usually have less side with trenE vs ace
First run was 160mg of tren hex per with 500mg testE for amazing results. 1st mistake people make is they run too much tren too fast.
I was told to run this dose by a pro who looked at my genetic potential and told me that's all i needed for my 1st run.
If the tren is good and your running high test 400mg-600mg/wk is at the top of what you need, unless your a pro.
Anything more than either your tren sucks ass or your not putting in the work into your diet and training.
This is good to know. I've tried tren ace twice an know some say e is friendlier. Might have to give it a shot.
jbryand101b said:
This is good to know. I've tried tren ace twice an know some say e is friendlier. Might have to give it a shot.
jbryand101bIn reality the consensus is the other way around. Tren ace is handled better by most and you can pull back on your dose if sides get bad.
I think many have success from tren E because their bodies have already adjusted slightly from previous tren use.
Most sides from tren ace are due to guys using way too much on their 1st run. There's many techniques, daily injects work well for some.
Only way to find out is find out what works best for you.
jshredz said:
In reality the consensus is the other way around. Tren ace is handled better by most and you can pull back on your dose if sides get bad.
I think many have success from tren E because their bodies have already adjusted slightly from previous tren use.
Most sides from tren ace are due to guys using way too much on their 1st run. There's many techniques, daily injects work well for some.
Only way to find out is find out what works best for you.

This is right on. My first run with Ace was Jokers at 450mgs a week. From what I read that was a conservative dose. It was a fucking nightmare. Eod injects and the sides were unreal. Second run was Ace at 400 and that was just as bad. Final run with Ace was 350 with Ed shots at night and it went pretty good. I really think there is some truth to "getting used to it"
This run is Tren E at 500mgs every split mon, Thursday, sat. It's been really good. Only sides have been light acne, mild sweats every so often and the usual aggression and horneyness. Also massive strength and stamina increase. In hind site I should have started at s much lower dose.

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