Lets talk B12



Ok, this is a subject I know little about. Yes, I can just do google search for info, but I'd rather get info from actual ppl that have used it.

Now i have used the GNC 5000 zip melt pink tabs. Never really noticed anything. Lets talk about what to expect from running B12. Tabs VS inject. Doses of inject and frequency. Any experience good or bad is what I'm looking for.
I was running inject. b-complex, got it from a feed store for cattle, cost me $5! 300mL, hurts like a mother fucker when you inject it but you get used to it. I pinned it right with my gear, idk about results though, gave me energy, I still have a bunch Ill start pinning it again and pay attention to it.
I'm looking to get energy from it. Not really sure how good it works?
I've only taken the 5000mcg sublingual tabs by nature valley I think. There's not a NOTICEABLE difference after I take it I guess. But it's supposed to be beneficial so I just keep on taking em. I'd like to try the inject as well
B-12 / Methyl-B-12 are great for energy, appetite increase, and a ramped up metabolism.

I love the stuff, but it makes cutting difficult if you have poor self control. It will make you more energetic while you are cutting, but much more hungry....

The difference between inj and oral b12's is that if you have a true deficiency, the orals will help but only as you take them. If you are looking for the energy/metabolism/appetite increase, you have to get the injections. The two work completely different.

1000mcg daily is what I run to bulk. Anything you don't use up will just be peed out.
A lot of older folks end up doing 1000mcg once a week for health purposes.


Well, you're in luck....I am about to start carrying it. I am running a batch of it over the weekend and it will be for sale as of Monday. Methyl-B-12 (the FAR superior and more expensive version) is better absorbed and utilized by the body than regular b-12 (cyanocobalamin). My products will be: EGH Labs Methyl-B-12 1000mcg/mL, 30mL and I will also produce a 10mL version.

I would caution the use of those veterinary products. I know we are talking about using UGL gear here, but you really don't know the conditions where the vet products are made. We could be getting heavy metals and other contaminants deemed safe for animals, but potentially harmful to us much smaller mammals. 😉
At least I know that my lab is extremely clean, sterile, and free of contaminants and the products that I make are all safe for consumption. Not only that, but the vet stuff generally hurts (higher alcohol content and or an unbalanced pH). My product will be painless, as is most human grade/pharmacy sold b-12 injections.
I'd inject it if I though it would give me energy, does it last All day and how often do you inject ?

Darn Erik I want some ! Now I'll have to reorder lol

This is my recommendation JM750, been using it for years.
misterB said:
I'd inject it if I though it would give me energy, does it last All day and how often do you inject ?

Darn Erik I want some ! Now I'll have to reorder lol
I typically notice it last all day...I would say pinning it twice a week would give you a pretty noticeable boost with out being too spendy.
erikgearhead said:
I typically notice it last all day...I would say pinning it twice a week would give you a pretty noticeable boost with out being too spendy.
Erick, my bad man I didn't know you were about to start carrying it. Wasn't trying to cut you out of sales by providing the link. It's just what I've used for years. Hell I'll order from you now
Erik, thank you for the info. Yes, I want it for energy. I hope you do start to carry it. I want some already.
Now do you ink IM or sub? Slin pin?

Thanks to all that replied. 🙂
smoove said:
Erick, my bad man I didn't know you were about to start carrying it. Wasn't trying to cut you out of sales by providing the link. It's just what I've used for years. Hell I'll order from you now
No worries, I didn't figure you had malicious intent! I just wanted to throw that out there, the fact that I'm gonna be offering it soon 😉

I typically do B-12 I.M. with or without my TNE.
I suppose you could do subq, but the absorption rate is probably less and I would imagine you'd have less of a "jolt of energy" due to the delayed absorption.

When I'm not a fat ass, I use slin pins in my delts/forearms for b-12. That or a 25g 5/8"
Hell, now that I'm working up all of my batches in MCT oil, I'm using 25g-29g pins for everything 🙂
after reading the thread i did some google searches and discovered the Methyl B12 has promising results with Autism and ADHD but they recomend sub q glut shots
I have ADD Erik pleas make sure you let us know when it is available.
erikgearhead said:
B-12 / Methyl-B-12 are great for energy, appetite increase, and a ramped up metabolism.

I love the stuff, but it makes cutting difficult if you have poor self control. It will make you more energetic while you are cutting, but much more hungry....

The difference between inj and oral b12's is that if you have a true deficiency, the orals will help but only as you take them. If you are looking for the energy/metabolism/appetite increase, you have to get the injections. The two work completely different.

1000mcg daily is what I run to bulk. Anything you don't use up will just be peed out.
A lot of older folks end up doing 1000mcg once a week for health purposes.


Well, you're in luck....I am about to start carrying it. I am running a batch of it over the weekend and it will be for sale as of Monday. Methyl-B-12 (the FAR superior and more expensive version) is better absorbed and utilized by the body than regular b-12 (cyanocobalamin). My products will be: EGH Labs Methyl-B-12 1000mcg/mL, 30mL and I will also produce a 10mL version.

I would caution the use of those veterinary products. I know we are talking about using UGL gear here, but you really don't know the conditions where the vet products are made. We could be getting heavy metals and other contaminants deemed safe for animals, but potentially harmful to us much smaller mammals. 😉
At least I know that my lab is extremely clean, sterile, and free of contaminants and the products that I make are all safe for consumption. Not only that, but the vet stuff generally hurts (higher alcohol content and or an unbalanced pH). My product will be painless, as is most human grade/pharmacy sold b-12 injections.
Thanks Erik

I did all my research on the stuff I got before first injecting it and its all good, has the same daily doses in it for humans exactly in 1mL. There isn't anything harmful as metals are concerned in it, your right though it does have a higher alcohol content in it and it hurts so bad, first time i did injected it was in my thigh, and now everytime i think about injecting that thigh it starts to hurt, haha, its not bad though in the glute.

However, I would rather spend the money to get something that doesn't hurt, haha

Good to know your gonna have it in stock now!

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