Little Tom and SoCal


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
How's that diet program I sent you working out... That workout program will kick some peoples ass until they get used to it lol!
HTFU said:
How's that diet program I sent you working out... That workout program will kick some peoples ass until they get used to it lol!
What was the workout program? Please share.
I am going to incorperate into my upcoming cycle. Of course the overall cals will have to be adjusted but the number of meals consumed through out the day and the rest will be pretty much the same. It was not too much different than what i was doing. The discipline to eat so fucking clean is going to be the hardest part
you can do it, LT. i believe in you.
Rock and Roll with it LT!!!! Like bossman said you can do it were all behind you bro!!!!!
You got the tools given to you, it's all up to you how successful you want to be.... Me personally what helps me whenever I get down I just watch some Moto vids of Joey Swoll and other folks... Then I get back in the zone... Even when I go out to eat with the fam/ friends I eat before I go and just drink water... If I go out to the club/bar... I just get club soda and lime.. That way I don't stand out like a sore thumb lol.. There's little secrets you'll learn along the way that will keep you on track.. Most important you gotta want it
im a club soda and lime man too, good for the body easy on the brain the next day unlike sodas / pop
SoCal been on a pretty bad low and starting a divorce. Just told the wife tonight that I want out. Diet and training not gonna happen right now. That said, as soon as I move out I'm getting on the muscle train and dialing it in better and more disciplined than ever. Greatfull for the notes man!!!! Looking forward to applying them.
SoCal said:
SoCal been on a pretty bad low and starting a divorce. Just told the wife tonight that I want out.
Wow, some rough times ahead of you. I'd make sure every speck of gear is out of the house. Women do some crazy unexpected shit during a divorce. I hope that's not what you run in to.
Fear not - cleaned it all out a couple weeks back when I knew I had made the decision.
yup, i got three counts of possession when my Ex blew her top

after i heard your story..... i always tell people the easiest way to get busted is your mad girlfriend....
krustus said:
after i heard your story..... i always tell people the easiest way to get busted is your mad girlfriend....
No doubt but we also have to take into consideration other family members. Get a pissed off teenager you dont let borrow the car or say they cant go to a party... they will throw that shit in your face and god forbid your relationship breaks down (we know how teenagers get) and they want to get even, look out!!
Not a drop of anything related to this subject is stored at or received at my residents. Period. I'd rather be safe and take a weeks worth of preloaded gear , etc and keep it close enough to get, but not be gotten

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