Local shooting in movie theatre


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
So I was on my way home from the gym last night. My brother left same time as me and starts texting me (shooting in Lafayette!) As he's pulling up to his condo (right next to the theatre) about 20 cop cars sworm the parking lot theatre.. he has no idea what's going on. Next thing he knows ambulances pull in a few moments later and rush in the side door. He seen 7 bodies come out on stretchers and haul ass out of there. . Finally a few paramedics walked across the street and informed them about the shooting.. while all this is going down I'm on FaceTime with him on my wife's phone and he's showing me all this shit live.

About 2 hours later he's still there in his parking lot and apparently they had a bomb threat too. This cop walks over to them and I quote "get the fuck down! Run!" That's all that was said.. people scatter like crazy hiding behind cars and shit.. not telling anyone what they're running from causing all this panic. Finally they checked the car and found no bomb but god dam.

The dude was from Alabama and came to our home town and shot up a dam movie theatre.. I swear man you can't go anywheres anymore and be safe. It's sad. I'm sure once it gets out all over the USA they are gonna push for banning guns again. Never in a million years would 8 have imagined that happening in my hometown.
People are fucking nuts now.Thats what were breeding now.Over drugged up maniacs.
Yeap. Sad man. Came to work Friday and the owner of one of our customers got shot 3x. My boss went see him in hospital yesterday. They had people protesting about god in our area because of that.. what the fuck does that even mean? ... when I heard about that I was confused.
blasson said:
So I was on my way home from the gym last night. My brother left same time as me and starts texting me (shooting in Lafayette!) As he's pulling up to his condo (right next to the theatre) about 20 cop cars sworm the parking lot theatre.. he has no idea what's going on. Next thing he knows ambulances pull in a few moments later and rush in the side door. He seen 7 bodies come out on stretchers and haul ass out of there. . Finally a few paramedics walked across the street and informed them about the shooting.. while all this is going down I'm on FaceTime with him on my wife's phone and he's showing me all this shit live.

About 2 hours later he's still there in his parking lot and apparently they had a bomb threat too. This cop walks over to them and I quote "get the fuck down! Run!" That's all that was said.. people scatter like crazy hiding behind cars and shit.. not telling anyone what they're running from causing all this panic. Finally they checked the car and found no bomb but god dam.

The dude was from Alabama and came to our home town and shot up a dam movie theatre.. I swear man you can't go anywheres anymore and be safe. It's sad. I'm sure once it gets out all over the USA they are gonna push for banning guns again. Never in a million years would 8 have imagined that happening in my hometown.
If everyone in that movie theatre had a firearm on them, the shooter would have only got one, maybe two people. It probably wouldn't even have happened in that secenario, because people like that are cowards and go after people who are in a vulnerable or defenseless position.

It's so fucking sad to see things like this happening more and more frequently.
SkinNbone said:
We are from the same area brah. I work in laf and live in Opelousas
SkinNboneI got a few buddies grew up from that area. Depending on your age I'm sure you know em. Some Gremillions.
erikgearhead said:
If everyone in that movie theatre had a firearm on them, the shooter would have only got one, maybe two people. It probably wouldn't even have happened in that secenario, because people like that are cowards and go after people who are in a vulnerable or defenseless position.

It's so fucking sad to see things like this happening more and more frequently.
You're absolutely right and that's why I keep one on me everywhere I go (in truck) but I'm about to go get my CC license here shortly. Me and my brother going in a few weeks.
The answer is arming the hard working man not disarming, my wife and I both carry 40's with hollows and chambered.I won't hesitate to drop a fucking dirt bag and I mean for ever!!Armed citizens mean less maniacs killing multiple people and GOD and the family unit being taken out of the picture is a big part of what has caused this.(My personal views)
Exactly. The gun control is all about dis arming the population so it will be easier for a government take over.

Think about it. There is already gun control. U can't get go get a gun without proper ID unless you buying it out of the back of someone's truck and it's probably stolen. Criminals don't care about the law so this gun control bullshit will make it harder for a good upstanding citizen to have protection
Yes sir, big brother wants to know your every move and that is why we are going to start using cash more for purchases.People would be surprised at the info. collecting of the good American citizens that is done by our so called Gov't.A means of control point blank.

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