Looked in the mirror


NextGen Freak

...and thought, "why the fuck do I still look like a little girl?" I did just take a month out of the gym after 2 1/2 years of straight training (1 year training hard) and lost a LOT of size. Plus, I know personal judgement is always going to be the hardest, and I'll critique myself 10x harder than anyone else, but I looked in the mirror and thought to myself..."I should be much larger than this."

In conclusion to this self analyzing and overly conceited mirror time...I decided it's time for another cycle. Despite HH's advice, I will only be running one compound. I'm a minimalist. Not only will I be running 1 compound, but I'll be running it at the standard 500mg for 10-12 weeks. This will be my 3rd test e cycle. I'm not opposed to adding in other juice or upping the dosage. I just want to make the most out of the least.

So I'm looking for a little advice. I started my test e. I started my dbol. I know what I need to do for my diet.

What I'm really looking for is:

1. What I should be doing to keep my gains after this cycle since it is my 3rd and I still feel I have a very average/athletic look.

2. What should my next cycle be? Test 500/Deca 400? Test/Tren? <I know people will have varying opinions on which compounds I should run/dosage but any help will benefit.

Current Stats: 6'1 210lbs 10-12%bf Typically I bounce between 206-215 with 8-10%bf

Goals:Be big as fuck. Be ripped as fuck. Unfortunately, most of the people I look up to are 3-5 inches shorter than me (not likely physiques to obtain). I'm also an ectomorph, and my legs are tiny as shit (they won't grow...at all).

Here's my story. Help me out.
just a suggestion, igflr3 can help keep gains. its on super sale atm...
id also jump start that test e at bare minimum with some prop
Well if you are running test e and dbol. That's two compounds. And if you are happy with the results you get from test only compounds then your good. If you are looking in the mirror and feel small. You gotta eat. if you want to be big as fuck you have to eat big as fuck. Count your calories and get a minimum of 5000 and don't lie and cheat yourself. Bud I know you have back issues. So you need to address this. You can make your back stronger with squats and deeds I know you said over 225 is out of the question on squats tgsts fine your can make your back stronger and legs grow with that weight. So eat squat then eat again then dead lift then eat. I would kill to have your frame. So let's worry about your next cycle when you get there. Go eat right now.
back issues, rack pulls might be great alternative move.

igf might also be great for the back issue...
True alternative lifts that will still hit those stabalizees and help strengthen your back. I did zercher squats today. Felt great fealing my body shake the racking three fifteen.
NextGen Freak said:
...and thought, "why the fuck do I still look like a little girl?" I did just take a month out of the gym after 2 1/2 years of straight training (1 year training hard) and lost a LOT of size. Plus, I know personal judgement is always going to be the hardest, and I'll critique myself 10x harder than anyone else, but I looked in the mirror and thought to myself..."I should be much larger than this."

In conclusion to this self analyzing and overly conceited mirror time...I decided it's time for another cycle. Despite HH's advice, I will only be running one compound. I'm a minimalist. Not only will I be running 1 compound, but I'll be running it at the standard 500mg for 10-12 weeks. This will be my 3rd test e cycle. I'm not opposed to adding in other juice or upping the dosage. I just want to make the most out of the least.

So I'm looking for a little advice. I started my test e. I started my dbol. I know what I need to do for my diet.

What I'm really looking for is:

1. What I should be doing to keep my gains after this cycle since it is my 3rd and I still feel I have a very average/athletic look.

2. What should my next cycle be? Test 500/Deca 400? Test/Tren? <I know people will have varying opinions on which compounds I should run/dosage but any help will benefit.

Current Stats: 6'1 210lbs 10-12%bf Typically I bounce between 206-215 with 8-10%bf

Goals:Be big as fuck. Be ripped as fuck. Unfortunately, most of the people I look up to are 3-5 inches shorter than me (not likely physiques to obtain). I'm also an ectomorph, and my legs are tiny as shit (they won't grow...at all).

Here's my story. Help me out.
NextGen Freak
Problem #1: Sounds like you overtrained (hard)!
Solution: Design a program with maybe a 4 day split. Overworking is worse than doing nothing! To put on size, try the 5/3/1 Method or 5x5. The DC method is also great for size and strength gains.

Problem #2: Caloric intake-You may not have had enough
Solution: Eat at least 20-22 (for growth) calories per lb. Split that calorie intake into your Macros % of at least 40% protein, 40% Carb, and 20% Fat. (a 40/30/30 split will work for gains as well). I've got a great resource for figuring BMR and EEDR. you need to know these to get an accurate idea of your acutal caloric needs.

Problem #3: 2 1/2 years in the gym straight
solution: Rest....You only grow when you rest, not when you workout. So, the more rest you get after your workout, the more growth you get. Assuming your training and diet are laid out as above.

As for the cycle advice, I like your attitude on the gear. Less is always more in my opinion. Never take more than you really need to sustain the growth you're looking for. I'm not much on Test only cycles though, due to cartlidge stress, but you're adding Dbol as a kicker. I'm partial to mostly short estered compounds (except for Primo, love the primo), but I would def take Test E over Cyp anyday. Otherwise, I'm a Tren A and Prop guy.

I like the Test/Deca split and dosage you've listed. But, you won't get ripped on that. Towards the end of your cycle, if you want to get ripped you will have to do a Clen/T3 cycle. You will completely shred most of the body fat you gained during your bulking phase. The problem is going to be getting big as fuck while trying to get as ripped as fuck. The two are mutually exclusive, unless you are just genetically predisposed to it. Otherwise, it will be two stages. Got more opinions on this matter, but out of time.
I'll definitely look into some IGF. I did get my back straightened out today. I'm hoping it'll at least reduce the pain I get when doing deads and squat.

What about hcg? Will it be beneficial to my pct or do most of u skimp on that?

I do eat big when on cycle (and extremely clean). Off cycle I eat a little more dirty to meet my caloric needs while off cycle a little easier. I most definitely understand I cannot both bulk and cut at the same time. I am extremely lean and even when bulking I remain extremely lean in every area but my stomach (water weight/food bloat). My upper body actually looks more shredded when bulking just because of the juice. That is why I chose the combination of test/deca to run next because I need the size the most...not necessarily the abs. I've also ran Clen/eca stacks and had perfect diets...I was 163 before I started training for size and I was 197 5% bf last spring for my summer cut. So cutting is a breeze for me.

I feel like if I do this Dbol/test cycle and hit a strong post I can get back to where I was 232 before I took my month off...and then progress with more advanced cycles.
You are young and have plenty of time to experiment and see what your body handles and how it reacts to different compounds!
have you ever done inversion for your back?
Yeah my uncle owns one. I use it when I go back home, but it's really something that needs to be used on a regular basis. I need to buy one...they just cost money and my apt is small!
NextGen Freak said:
Yeah my uncle owns one. I use it when I go back home, but it's really something that needs to be used on a regular basis. I need to buy one...they just cost money and my apt is small!
NextGen Freakcheck craigs list, some of the models fold up and barely take any room.
Test and deca to bulk and tren var and prop to cut. You won't be able to get big as fuck and shredded at the same time. Eat big dont be afraid to gain some body fat but afterwards IMO you need time to hold on to your new mass before going on a cut or yu could lose all that new muscle.
GRIM said:
just a suggestion, igflr3 can help keep gains. its on super sale atm...
id also jump start that test e at bare minimum with some prop
IGF will actually raise your natural genetic potential because of its creation of new satellite cells. You will notice it about a year after your cycle that you maintain more gains naturally or when off cycle.
Shasta said:
GRIM said:
just a suggestion, igflr3 can help keep gains. its on super sale atm...
id also jump start that test e at bare minimum with some prop
IGF will actually raise your natural genetic potential because of its creation of new satellite cells. You will notice it about a year after your cycle that you maintain more gains naturally or when off cycle.
And the IGF pumps are insane i had to cut a few arm workouts short i felt like my skin was going to split. It also really increased my appetite I could throw down some large portions while running that compound which is great for a bulk.
gator said:
Test and deca to bulk and tren var and prop to cut. You won't be able to get big as fuck and shredded at the same time. Eat big dont be afraid to gain some body fat but afterwards IMO you need time to hold on to your new mass before going on a cut or yu could lose all that new muscle.
^^^^ that!
Well I was going to run a 10 week test cycle as mentioned, but I got a hold of some extra deca. I got the deca a week after I started my test so I will be expanding my cycle to:
Test e 500mg/wk 1-12
Deca 400mg/wk 2-12
And I'm still doing the dbol kick.

Next cycle will MOST LIKELY be the same but with a dbol/prop start.
I guess since I cut too quickly after I bulk I'll do what I did this last year...bulked from winter till fall, but I'll avoid the burnout so I don't end up taking another month off.

Being young and new to the game would do you recommend for time between cycles? Take into consideration my natural test levels are already screwed due to 2 years of superdrol
Either PCT and run some cycles of IGF or just cruise on test between your cycles.
Running Test for TRT between seems to work pretty good. 150-250mg wk. Run it for 10-12 wks. Then Blast away again. Keep some Nolva handy, just in case.
NextGen Freak said:
Yeah my uncle owns one. I use it when I go back home, but it's really something that needs to be used on a regular basis. I need to buy one...they just cost money and my apt is small!
NextGen Freak
Shoot me a PM and lets see if we cant get your back fixed. I may have some unique suggestions for you.. Need to know some more info 1st.

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