Looking for average volume in ml per shot


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Alright, so I have read numerous articles regarding volume of ml per anatomical location but I would like to hear some real world results. What is the average amount of gear in ml that people inject for:




I am going to have to inject about 6-8 ml a week to get the dosage of this primo up to par and am looking for some real world feedback.
3ml for all 3.

I've gone a high as 5ml for ventrogluteal, but wouldn't recommend it. Esp not recommended for high dosed/ high viscosity gear.
Delts : 1ml

Glutes : 2-3mls

Quads : 1-1.5mls

Those are the amounts that work for me personally !!! And I've put in different amounts in different inject sites , and for those 3 , that's what works !!!

Don't forget :

I try to stay under 3 in delts but can bang 3 Mils without any issues in quads glutes and Ventro glute
tkasch30 said:
Ive done 3mls in pretty much every muscle..even calfs and no problems
tkasch30Do you have that rare disease where you don't feel pain? 3ml in calves.. Shit.

I only pin quads and glutes and I can easily put in 3ml both spots. I do feel pressure in quads after 2.5-3 though. . Rub it out and hit legs after. Goes away quick.
I have put 3ml in every site I inject without any problems.

side delts
front delts
rear delts

blasson said:
Do you have that rare disease where you don't feel pain? 3ml in calves.. Shit.

I only pin quads and glutes and I can easily put in 3ml both spots. I do feel pressure in quads after 2.5-3 though. . Rub it out and hit legs after. Goes away quick.
Lol! Ya i dont know...last week i did tren e 400, test 400, and mast e 200 in calf and im good. Lol
Nice input. I need to pin at least 8 cc to get the primo up to par being 100 mg/ml. I will be using 400 mg/ml paxton t with 100 mg/ml primo. Looking for at least 6-700 mg of primo. I have never really pinned that much at once. Wondering how often to really shoot at this point to get up to that amount.
I do 2ml on delts, 3 on glutes, 3 on quads... Did 5 mls in quads couple times
IMO you really can't get a accurate answer as everyone muscle belly is different. Even a built short guy compared to a built tall guy. I can do 3ml wo a problem. Done 5 - 6 in a day numerous times..
3ml pretty much anywhere, calves. Done 5ml in the glutes no problem.

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