Looking for input


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I'm thinking of running my next cycle after a long time off.
I want some lean gains for the spring months and i'll do a cut right before summer (July)

I'm wanting to run a longer ester with E3D Pins

Currently 185lbs 5'6" at about 20% bf

Thinking Test E/ Tren E/ and EQ 200mg each E3D
Dbol 50mg ED for a kicker

Again this is an idea, i'm not completely set but need to make up my mind soon.
keyk240 said:
I'm thinking of running my next cycle after a long time off.
I want some lean gains for the spring months and i'll do a cut right before summer (July)

I'm wanting to run a longer ester with E3D Pins

Currently 185lbs 5'6" at about 20% bf

Thinking Test E/ Tren E/ and EQ 200mg each E3D
Dbol 50mg ED for a kicker

Again this is an idea, i'm not completely set but need to make up my mind soon.
How many weeks do you want to run this cycle. You are planning on running my favorite stuff.. Depending on length of cycle you might want to hold off on the tren E and use it as cutter for the last half of your cycle. EQ for me has to be run at 600mg/ week for at least 12weeks for me to notice the benefits of lean mass. My first EQ cycle gained me about 8 lean pounds that seems to be permanent. 12 weeks minimum is my sweet spot.
I see gains from eq as low as 300-400 a week in 3-4 weeks. Watch your red blood count. I like bold cyp altho it is horrible pip. Test and 1 compound and an oral is gtg. I like test npp var to cut. Test bold halo to cut.
Good luck
I plan on running 14 weeks it's normally how long I go with tren.
As far as switching to a short ester of tren I could do that the last 4 weeks if that would be efficient. I could also switch to a cutting oral like winny or var at the end of my cycle.

Test E 250mg e3d weeks 1-14
Eq 200 mg e3d weeks 1-14
tren e 200mg e3d weeks 1-10
Tren a 100mg eod weeks 10-14
Dbol 50mg ed weeks 1-4
Winny or var weeks 10-14
keyk240 said:
I plan on running 14 weeks it's normally how long I go with tren.
As far as switching to a short ester of tren I could do that the last 4 weeks if that would be efficient. I could also switch to a cutting oral like winny or var at the end of my cycle.

Test E 250mg e3d weeks 1-14
Eq 200 mg e3d weeks 1-14
tren e 200mg e3d weeks 1-10
Tren a 100mg eod weeks 10-14
Dbol 50mg ed weeks 1-4
Winny or var weeks 10-14
I love it. Only thing I would do and its just personal preference, is switch out the dbol for T-bol. I just dont like the water and the bloat I get dbol. Put t-bol in there and you have nothing but nice lean dry gains the whole cycle if your diet is on. Really good cycle though.
I was thinking tbol but it's not on tmms list so I'll just go dbol. Hopefully with the tren It'll keep bloat down
After looking I realized that I might need an AI. I've always ran test mast tren so I didn't mess to much with an AI. What are your guys thoughts.
Bump! Whether or not you have had issues in the past, always have an AI or Serm ready. Worst case, somehow a vial you ordered gets mis labeled and you end up pinning something you didn't expect..... Don't find out or realize until too late, you need to be ready to jump on it. Not have to meet a minimum and pull an order together just for some Nolva or Aromasin
I have too many buddies that wanna run cheap without an ai. They look like their heads are about to explode. You may think you don't have issues but if you were to get blood work you would see your estrogen is way out of Wack. If the body over produces estrogen to combat the increase in testosterone, as it does, why even run the cycle if you're not going to control it
I appreciate the input. I've used aromosin in the past. With a cycle like this I'm going to make sure I run an AI. Any dose suggestions for an AI
always have on hand
I would personally use test cyp.. the raws and test scores have been better than e here lately.. I like tren e in a lean bulk it keeps the water down and the gains are great at 600mg a week.. maybe extend the eq to 16 weeks for full benifit or use bold cyp for faster gains but cycle looks good. You don't want to much water at 20%bf

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