

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I lost a dear friend this morning that some of you may know. Thick1 and I met back in the early days of the Beachboy website when threre weren't sites out there that covered these specialized topics. It wasn't anything nearly as advanced as EG simply because the technology wasn't there at the time. But it was one of the most popular bodybuilding/fitness sites on the internet. When it closed down a new board popped up called Underground Freakz For Life, which later became Freakzonline. That board kicked ass. During that time four of us joined together to buy the site and run for years it until it began losing members and slipped into the abyss. Working together to keep the board alive brought us all closer than I ever could have imagined. Three out of the four of us remained close as brothers and in regular contact until just moments ago when Thick1's wife messaged that cancer had finally won and our friend was gone. I mention this not because of my loss. I'm posting this, on a board that at times has reminded me of my time back at Freakz, because I know there are admins and members on this board who have created a similar bond with one another. Don't take these friendships for granted. I'm sitting here feeling as if my heart has been ripped from my chest and it's seriously crushing me, but at the same time I am grateful to have had this friendship for as long as I did. I'm incredibly grateful that I didn't take it for granted, although I wish we had spent more time face to face.

When a friend is gone they are gone forever and there isn't a damn thing you can do to grab one more moment together. Make those moments now.
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So sorry my man. It so hard especially when they make such an impact in your life. Memories make it hard but those are what you cherish. After morning start your healing and stay strong brotha.
Sorry T-Bar bro, you are right we make bonds with brothers here that go beyond that, hell some closer than my own siblings. I like the way you are looking at the situation, what I mean is looking at the good side along with the painful. The good memories and times you spent will help pull you through in time, hang in there and you know you have a family here.
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That means a lot Thor. I didn't realize it until today but there is no way colleagues and friends outside a group like this simply can understand this type of loss. There is no way they get how deep these relationships go. Like you said, some are closer than family.
Sentiments like that show how much of an influence this person has made in your life. Healing will take time.....we are all here for ya brotha.
I am so sorry for your lose bro. I'm glad however that you got to share such a stro g bond with your friend. Just remember that he will always live on through his legacy and through you brother.
Thanks GoPro. As much as it sucks, and man does it suck, the only thing you can do is press forward and do exactly what you said... Keep on living for him.
Sorry to hear brother. Some of us are close without even meeting each other, keep that head up and think positive things!

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