Low test high tren suggestions


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
So im running test and tren 2 ccs each 2x a wk
500test 400 tren total, some may remember i had severe depression. My estro was sky high. No sex drive, depressed, ready to end it. I ran adex as recommended and am now on adderall and zoloft prescribed. Ive never felt this good since i was around 14 (before my depression hit) so i want to blast tren and do low test. What would be suggested for a dose? And what dose of adex should i run with that?
normally i keep test at a healthy trt dose so 200 mg a week, for me at that level i dont need AI, you need to know whats your trt level to feel well. the Tren i use is tren A sounds like you're on E. for tren A i say 50 mg a day is great , tweak it a bit if you are tolerant to 60 or even up to 75
for tren E id jump in at 400 , 1 ml twice a week
I know you dont want to hear this probably but if you are on those medications I would not run Tren. I may not run much else besides Test and Mast. Tren can fuck up even the most stable and with underlying conditions you are asking for some serious trouble brother. I would stay far away.

However,being the helpful member I am 😉 I agree with misterB Let Tren do the work and run test around 300mgs maybe.

With that being said.. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM TREN 😉
I know you dont want to hear this probably but if you are on those medications I would not run Tren. I may not run much else besides Test and Mast. Tren can fuck up even the most stable and with underlying conditions you are asking for some serious trouble brother. I would stay far away.

However,being the helpful member I am 😉 I agree with misterB Let Tren do the work and run test around 300mgs maybe.

With that being said.. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM TREN 😉
LittleTomYes I agree I didn’t see this post before I replied earlier but steroids make you more of what you are physically and mentally. I’ve never had roid rage but I’m not an angry person or I don’t flip easy I get calmer on them your issues tren will cause problems
You are back on Track and feeling great... Why fuck with a good thing... maybe start with a lighter cycle at least.
I've always done tren even when i was fucked up. I been on and feel great still, just looking to change things up, If i get fucked up again ill back off. My depression was most likely due to a combo of high estrogen (on adex now) and chemical imbalance of serotonin which the zoloft is fixing.
I've learned that now there is always hope and I can always fix myself so I'm not scared of going back. Because i will always move forward. Thanks for the advice and concern tho guys. I appreciate any input
Stsy the fuck away from tren e! Only ace but like LT said you shouldnt use tren its the biggest personality changing aas on the planet. 2-300 test is plenty when you are on tren and dont have to worry about estrogen
d3r3k said:
I've always done tren even when i was fucked up. I been on and feel great still, just looking to change things up, If i get fucked up again ill back off. My depression was most likely due to a combo of high estrogen (on adex now) and chemical imbalance of serotonin which the zoloft is fixing.
I've learned that now there is always hope and I can always fix myself so I'm not scared of going back. Because i will always move forward. Thanks for the advice and concern tho guys. I appreciate any input
I get it man and I have done the same thing in your shoes. Just remember that by the time we start to realize we are in a bit of trouble its often too late. Hope the run goes good though man.
Stick to less toxic stuff like superdrol,, halo,, anadrol and dnp youll feel alot better
I'm a little diffrent...I had better luck with high test and low tren. Basically a 2 to 1 ratio. No sides and felt great. Last run was 600 test and 300 tren.
So im running test and tren 2 ccs each 2x a wk
500test 400 tren total, some may remember i had severe depression. My estro was sky high. No sex drive, depressed, ready to end it. I ran adex as recommended and am now on adderall and zoloft prescribed. Ive never felt this good since i was around 14 (before my depression hit) so i want to blast tren and do low test. What would be suggested for a dose? And what dose of adex should i run with that?
d3r3kOk tren does not increase estrogen it ups progesterone .Tren is much more powerful than test. All you want with test is enough to keep your test levels normal I have had lots of success running tren double my test levels but when doing that run tren A first Incase sides are too bad. The one big thing that I always get is night sweats I welcome them because of massive fat loss.

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