Male Libido Supplements


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Male Libido Supplements

Are you a male with libido problems? If so, then you may still be in disbelief. Wasn't it just yesterday that sex was about all you could think about? Now you find yourself thinking about just because you know you should!

Or maybe you're a male who just wants to enhance your sexual desire using some scientifically-backed male libido supplements? Well, we have good news: there are several legitimate, scientifically-verified such supplements that seem to work quite well on the male brain.

However, one should keep in mind that there are several medical conditions that can cause waning libido, almost all of which should be checked by a doctor. For example, no male libido supplement on planet earth can help stimulate you if you are low in testosterone. Testosterone is simply too intimately tied to male libido. Lack of sleep, depressed immunity, depression, stress, relationship issues and many other things can do the same.

So get checked out with your doc and then consider these male libido supplements, all of which have a study (or more) showing their ability increase sexual desire:

Maca. We have already covered Maca's sperm and erection enhancing properties in our discussion of Maca and in our Erection Supplementation Guide. But what you may not know is that Maca has had a reputation for centuries among Peruvians for its libido-increasing powers among male tribal members. And animal studies bear out the ancient wisdom. [1]

In fact, one animal study turned rats into rabbits. Don't believe me? It all started when researchers studied rats and put one male rat in with two virgin female rats. Rat heaven, eh? Researchers were astonished to find that each male rat entered, i.e. penetrated the female rats over fifty times in a three hour period! [2] When is the last time you did that, mate? This greatly exceeded the number of penetrations performed by the Maca-less rats. Those rats just couldn't get enough.

2) Muira Puama. Maca comes from Peru. Muira Puama comes from the same continent in Brazil. Most of the studies on Muira Puama's aphrodisiac qualities have been done by a Frenchman. But, then, who better to study an aphrodisiac than a Frenchman, right? One of his studies on human subject showed that about 2/3 of low libido participants were helped by taking Muira Puama. [3]

3) Tribulis Terristris. Tribulis is tremendulis and fantabulis. We have covered this herb elsewhere, including How to Improve Testosterone and Super Sexual Herbs, but made scarce mention of the fact that Tribulis Terristris also has evidence of being a decent male libido supplement at least in animals. [4] It seems to work this magic by increasing DHEA and Nitric Oxide.

4) Ginseng. Korean Ginseng was shown in one study to improve erectile strength and function in a number of ways, including boosting the beloved Nitric Oxide. [5] This same study found that Ginseng boosted libido and other animal studies have implied that sexual desire is enhanced by this herb as well.

A specific extract of the food and spice Fenugreek has been shown to be a significant libido and orgasm booster.

CAUTION: Yohimbe is often added to proprietary preparations for libido enhancement and erectile dysfunction. Avoid this as it can increase blood pressure.

CAUTION 2: One male libido supplement that gets some press is Damiana. However, it's powers are poorly documented and debatable in males anyway. In addition, it has been shown to be estrogenic, the last thing most of us guys need. [6]

CAUTION 3: Some pills are what I would call an anti-aphrodisiac. Beta blockers (for high blood pressure/arrythmias) are notorious libido reducers. Cimetidine (Tagamet) for stomach acid is another interesting case, because it can actually cross the blood-brain barrier and somehow interferes with sexual desire in many patients. [7] Dopamine is, in general, associated with an increased sex drive and seratonin with the opposite. For this reason, almost all common antidepressants can lead to a loss of libido. In fact, the research shows that a great many of the antidepressants lead to loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and delayed orgasm. [8]
Why should we, as males, "know" we should be thinking about sex? So we can become obsessed with it and eventually turn to porn? Be a man, not just a male. Porn is for losers who should get a life.

Btw, tribulus does NOT promote testosterone, on any level.
Hanzo said:
Why should we, as males, "know" we should be thinking about sex? So we can become obsessed with it and eventually turn to porn? Be a man, not just a male. Porn is for losers who should get a life.

Btw, tribulus does NOT promote testosterone, on any level.

LMFAO.Thats actually not even worth a reply.
Hanzo said:
Why should we, as males, "know" we should be thinking about sex? So we can become obsessed with it and eventually turn to porn? Be a man, not just a male. Porn is for losers who should get a life.

Btw, tribulus does NOT promote testosterone, on any level.
I'm no porn addict like fist lol. But you telling me you've never looked at it? Ya right. Lol
i just gave up porn like a week ago. it feels good. i don't want to go back.
Hanzo said:
Why should we, as males, "know" we should be thinking about sex? So we can become obsessed with it and eventually turn to porn? Be a man, not just a male.
I totally agree with Hanzo, no offense meant to F.I.S.T., or anyone else.
Porn is a blight on our society. It reduces women to mere objects of self-gratification. It is highly addictive(because of the flood of feel-good chemicals that it releases in the brain), and hard to quit. And like most mind altering drugs, it creates a need for a greater, and greater jolt.

Sure, women are absolutely beautiful, no lie, but it doesn't help you, them, or our society to view porn.
Study after study has shone that it contributes to the break down of marriages and families, not the strengthening thereof.

I was a porn addict as a child and became a sex addict as an adult, but by God's Grace, He sent me a wonderful wife and has kept us devoted to each other for 20 years.
Sure, at times I battle with lust, that's Every Man's Battle.
See this very great book with the same title,
But having the battle occasionally doesn't mean we should surrender our marriage and families,

And this is one of those hard things. Our marriages and families are at stake, and if you can't fight for that you're not a MAN, you're a COWARD.

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37 NLT

And again, no offense to any of our Bros here.

I'm just very passionate about this issue.
Our families are falling apart, and as the family goes, so goes our Nation!!!
Save our families, save our Nation!!!
like a lot of things drugs , alcohol, STEROIDS!!! it can be over done and some can't control themselves and have to quit all together.

if you drink occasionally and you can control it and it not control you ...then drinking alcohol is OK right?.. but if you can't stop probably need to quit altogether... same with porn.. if it has to much power over you ... you might need to quit.

that being said i don't like the over the top.. or gangbang etc.. type porn anyway... 2 people having sex and nothing too crazy is all i could stand anyway.

i have dialed porn way back... and it makes for a better sex life at home, that is for sure. as i am overwhelmed when mrs. krustus allows me some alone time.
LMFAO.This is a pretty interesting discussion that came from a thread on natural supps to help mens libido's.Bwahahahahaha.

Hey everyones entitled to their own opinions and have likes and dislikes.Thats what makes America great.The difference with me is,I dont bitch and whine at others if they differ from my own.I,in fact really don't GAF about anyone elses.As I said,thats your God given why would it or should it affect me or you in the least right?

I STILL LOVE PORN!!!!Maybe someday i'll get tired of it.OR .............NOT!!!!

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