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This information is from an article/ interview with Micheal Mooney back in Nov 2002 in Muscle Media 2000, he wrote a book called "Built to Survive" involving Mauro Di Pasquale, MD and I am sure most of you have herd of the DR so I won't go into that. back in Muscle media 2000, November of 2002.
I want you to pay attention to the drugs and AAS being used but also the doses back then of two European bodybuilders one a Junior World Bodybuilding Champion finalist @ 5'2 and 209lbs solid and taking 1,143mg of various anabolics a day, so what you have read about high doses is true but now the guys are even bigger it seems so all we can do is imagine (I have heard about guys taking around 10,000mg a week and I guess they have great care from a Dr plus they know things we don't know).
Says the guy uses weekly: INJECTABLES-1600mg test Heptylate, 1000mg Dynobolon and 532mg of Parabolon.
ORALS-8 tabs of 50mg Primo Daily all this equals 1,143mg of various AAS.
The other guy and it says he is a bouncer at the local disco in Europe, 30 vials of 50mg Stanzolol a week, 2,000mg of Test Enanthate, 1000mg of Test Prop, and 1,000mg of Test suspension and of course one Plenastril per meal and he eats 6 meals a day.
The guy is 6' tall and weighs 295lbs @ 10% BF, HE TAKES 1,085mg a day.
There is a lot of information here even about incorporating smart drugs to prevent catabolism.

These are from a magazine so they don't come out perfect but good enough for everyone to read, I will try to get any other articles I scan to come out clearer but no promises.

Muscle Mag 2000 November 2002 004.webpMuscle Mag 2000 November 2002 003.webpMuscle Mag 2000 November 2002 002.webpMuscle Mag 2000 November 2002 001.webp
Ha I haven’t heard of MM 2000 in forever. Remember when it only came out every 6-10 weeks? It was good. Always checking the local GNC to see if it was in. Dr. Mario haven’t heard his name in forever either.
Ha I haven’t heard of MM 2000 in forever. Remember when it only came out every 6-10 weeks? It was good. Always checking the local GNC to see if it was in. Dr. Mario haven’t heard his name in forever either.
JinkoYea brother all the young guys now days have no Idea who Dr Mario is or some other pioneers back in our day. Alot of good knowledge and ideas came from these men.
Yea brother J. I am sure there are some guys that may not have heard of it but yes I am right there with you, all of us old school guys...LOL. Some real good times.....

I just pulled out some articles of interest and canned the rest or misplaced it over time.
Those dudes gotta be making the gear, hooked to someone making the gear, or rich to be able to afford that. My guess is they made and sold it to be able to take those doses a day.
They definitely had connections and the gear is not as expensive or wasn't in other countries and that is why there was so much profit to be made selling the US market.

Most people don't like injecting that much but hell when you are in your early 20's you really don't care LOL. I noticed it didn't mention AI's and from different articles I have read most didn't take anything unless getting ready for a contest, also from my personal experience I never used AI's until I got older and to tell you the truth I never had GYNO problems and always grew very good on one or two items. Makes me wonder if blocking estrogen during heavy mass gaining cycles slows progress.
Example: I could let myself get out of shape, stop lifting due to long work hours and being a single father and then start directly back into a cycle with 800mg of sustenon and in a couple of months would have leaned up and put size on all over including a couple inches onto my arms I had lost. I know muscle memory plays a part but I have always been able to do this and never ran AI's until around 40 yrs old. Just something to think about, if you are estrogen sensitive just pay close attention and add a little AI but don't over due it because the body needs estrogen to grow and function properly also.
They definitely had connections and the gear is not as expensive or wasn't in other countries and that is why there was so much profit to be made selling the US market.

Most people don't like injecting that much but hell when you are in your early 20's you really don't care LOL. I noticed it didn't mention AI's and from different articles I have read most didn't take anything unless getting ready for a contest, also from my personal experience I never used AI's until I got older and to tell you the truth I never had GYNO problems and always grew very good on one or two items. Makes me wonder if blocking estrogen during heavy mass gaining cycles slows progress.
Example: I could let myself get out of shape, stop lifting due to long work hours and being a single father and then start directly back into a cycle with 800mg of sustenon and in a couple of months would have leaned up and put size on all over including a couple inches onto my arms I had lost. I know muscle memory plays a part but I have always been able to do this and never ran AI's until around 40 yrs old. Just something to think about, if you are estrogen sensitive just pay close attention and add a little AI but don't over due it because the body needs estrogen to grow and function properly also.
ThorThis is uncanny bro same situation with myself! Just thought it was me that had this issue. The ai s can be a double edge sword.
They definitely had connections and the gear is not as expensive or wasn't in other countries and that is why there was so much profit to be made selling the US market.

Most people don't like injecting that much but hell when you are in your early 20's you really don't care LOL. I noticed it didn't mention AI's and from different articles I have read most didn't take anything unless getting ready for a contest, also from my personal experience I never used AI's until I got older and to tell you the truth I never had GYNO problems and always grew very good on one or two items. Makes me wonder if blocking estrogen during heavy mass gaining cycles slows progress.
Example: I could let myself get out of shape, stop lifting due to long work hours and being a single father and then start directly back into a cycle with 800mg of sustenon and in a couple of months would have leaned up and put size on all over including a couple inches onto my arms I had lost. I know muscle memory plays a part but I have always been able to do this and never ran AI's until around 40 yrs old. Just something to think about, if you are estrogen sensitive just pay close attention and add a little AI but don't over due it because the body needs estrogen to grow and function properly also.
ThorYes I ditched AI's a while back and I noticed a definite improvement I am 52 and use Masteron and or Proviron to control estrogen and lower shbg.
Very true. You do need estrogen to grow.
If anyone needs clearer copies of these pages just let me know and I will try and email them to you, they just didn't scan in to well.

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