Mast e and low test long ester


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Anyone ever ran mast e in high amounts....say around 900mg with 200-250 test e or c....
Got a good buddy thats going 900/200 with high cal CLEAN diet and he says its like after a while you get gains...but solid.
I was always under impression that mast was a great hardener ....never really thought about it any other way. Thoughts?
I’ve done 600mg. I think Krustus has.
Yes i have about a year and half ago. Ran Test E at 350 and Mast E at 800 for the first 4 weeks then 900 for 8 weeks. Your friend is correct. When i got to weeks 6-10 it was a fun ride. I felt like i could see change almost daily. Definitely my favorite run. I started at 6'3" 192 and ended up at 201-202 leaner. Ran Tbol and Drol with it as well

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Yes i have about a year and half ago. Ran Test E at 350 and Mast E at 800 for the first 4 weeks then 900 for 8 weeks. Your friend is correct. When i got to weeks 6-10 it was a fun ride. I felt like i could see change almost daily. Definitely my favorite run. I started at 6'3" 192 and ended up at 201-202 leaner. Ran Tbol and Drol with it as well

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suraonyx23wonder if adding eq to the mix and some var be great for summer run
wonder if adding eq to the mix and some var be great for summer run
GRIMNow that is something that ive thought about running with it. I think the two compounds would work good together. They both take a little bit longer to get going(EQ-4wks for me & Mast E about the same for me) so around wk 6 they would really be starting to go in high gear. I would a min of 500mg on EQ. Now Var i would run on the back end at at least 60mg but probably closer to 75mg but id stack it with Tbol

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Yes i have about a year and half ago. Ran Test E at 350 and Mast E at 800 for the first 4 weeks then 900 for 8 weeks. Your friend is correct. When i got to weeks 6-10 it was a fun ride. I felt like i could see change almost daily. Definitely my favorite run. I started at 6'3" 192 and ended up at 201-202 leaner. Ran Tbol and Drol with it as well

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Tapatalk
suraonyx23I like this very interesting. I have always ran mast as a secondary or hardener. I may have to give this a try. Mast not cheap very expensive cycle. Tbol def nice addition with it. How long did you run the tbol for?
I like this very interesting. I have always ran mast as a secondary or hardener. I may have to give this a try. Mast not cheap very expensive cycle. Tbol def nice addition with it. How long did you run the tbol for?
SupernautWell the good thing is 4 bottles will get 10 weeks at 800mg which is roughly $200-240 bucks. And with all the different options we have for sources you'd probably be able to get em for cheaper with the promos and sales someone is having. Now Tbol i ran at 75-80mg for 5 weeks. What i like about it is that you can run it longer being that its one of the milder compounds.

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BadASS!!!!!! hes running 900 and 200 test...he simply gave 10% calorie bump of protiens and a little low gi carbs and says after 7-8 weeks its awsome....i think im gonna try.
Im def interested in this for summer!
I love Mast at's magical. Can make me a bit testy though. But the vascularity strength and hardness are amazing.

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I love Mast at's magical. Can make me a bit testy though. But the vascularity strength and hardness are amazing.

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BigKevi wanted to try it but didnt get any in
Id say talk to snake

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Id say talk to snake

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BigKevim using some of his mast prop up atm. i may place order for more goodies soon on test E and Eq atm burning off remaining fast acting as well

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