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So idk much about masteron the short or longer ester. I notice it’s priced higher than most injectable’s which kinda makes me wonder am I missing out on something. I have used those cut stack vials w mast prop in it but that’s been several years ago. I seen them on dyels list. Anyone have experience with this steroid care to share I’d like to read more on it.
it's a dht-derivative, so think dry and grainy look. not gonna do a ton on it's own, but it's more of an aesthetic to give you that polished look. it has some natural AI properties, so can help with estro sides. i like to do low to moderate dose of test and 19-nor, and a dht steroid. that's how i usually design my "cycles." i think dosage for masteron would be something like 200 and up per week and you could probably go up to a gram if you can tolerate it. it can be rough on the prostate and the hairline. i love the lean and muscular look, so i love dht steroids but they mess with my prostate after awhile and can give me a touch of anxiety if i dose too high.
it's a dht-derivative, so think dry and grainy look. not gonna do a ton on it's own, but it's more of an aesthetic to give you that polished look. it has some natural AI properties, so can help with estro sides. i like to do low to moderate dose of test and 19-nor, and a dht steroid. that's how i usually design my "cycles." i think dosage for masteron would be something like 200 and up per week and you could probably go up to a gram if you can tolerate it. it can be rough on the prostate and the hairline. i love the lean and muscular look, so i love dht steroids but they mess with my prostate after awhile and can give me a touch of anxiety if i dose too high.
R2D2When you say dht can you be a little more specific why it being a dht steroid makes it a choice of yours?
I’ve read that guys compare and prefer over winstrol. A friend of mine said it made his muscles really hard.
dht would be more of a hardener, lean dry gains. i have not take winstrol but i have taken anavar and i think masteron is pretty close to that.
In my opinion this compound is awesome. I ran it starting at 600mg and ramped it up to 900mg for the last 3-4 weeks if my memory serves me correctly. 13-14wks in total. Not only did i gain lean muscle went from 194-202lbs, but i was seeing my body change daily the last 4 weeks. By far my favorite compound to run. Cycle consisted of Sust 400-500mg Mast E 6-900mg, Drol/Tbol combo 50/70(this is bananas). Felt great entire cycle. Can't wait to run it again

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